Chapter 13: Punishment

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I wake up as normal as any other day. Turning over I slowly climb out of my bed; rolling my muscles trying to get the sore from yesterday out of my muscles. I slowly got myself ready for training and went off to breakfast; I then made my way to the training room for my usual run.

After running for a bit I finally see Four walk in.

"So Max told me your punishment." He nods to me.

"Yeah." I muttered under my breath. Walking over to him.

"We are going to set up the roof so let's go." he jerks his head towards the stairs to the roof.

Walking up the stairs we finally get to the roof. I looked around and noticed a bunch of targets all around and crates scattered around making it almost look like an obstacle course. I walk to the big table that is right in front of the door. Four walked to a big crate right next to the table and started pulling out guns. I almost dropped the first one because they are heavier than they look, but I started helping him lay them out on the table with all the pisces.

"So why did you fight him yesterday." Four asked abruptly.

I was a little startled. " Oh well you know Eric... He was really getting on my nerves." I tell him. "Thinking about it now it sounds stupid." I say unsure.

"No it's definitely not stupid Eric always has it coming. He just never knows when to stop." He sighs out.

"Yeah; I hear you guys have your own differences." I chuckled.

"You could say that." Smirking at me.

As we make small talk we set up all the ammunition and everything else that was needed. As we finally finished setting up, we headed back down to get the other initiates.

"Alright this week we are doing something new. You will be working on your skills with weapons. We have to work fast so keep up!" He turned and started for the roof.

Back on the roof he quickly explains what we are doing up here. "Today you will learn how to assemble and reassemble these guns then load them." He gestures to the guns on the table. "After you learn all that you will learn how to shoot them." he picks up a gun. " watch closely." He starts to dismantle the gun and then he puts it back together very meticulously.

"Alright, begin." We picked up our guns and began.

Taking my time I assess every piece I take off and how it will go back so I don't forget. After I dismantled my gun I start to put it back together perfectly just how it was before. Finishing putting it together I then look around and see everyone struggling trying to put it back together. Some were close, but were just missing a part or two where others have no clue how it goes back together at all.

As I sat waiting for everyone I started to get bored waiting, I decided to get my ammunition and taught myself how to load the gun. It was really easy; just put the bullets in the clip. After I was done with that I set it down not wanting to accidentally shoot it; or someone.

Four must've noticed I was getting bored of waiting and decided to move on.

"Ok, since some are done and waiting; I will show you how to shoot." Four goes to stand by the target.

I watch very carefully as he takes his stance. Legs shoulder width apart; standing strong. Arms were holding the gun firm and steady, and both eyes open focusing on the target straight down the barrel of the gun. Right as his finger presses down and pulls the trigger all you can hear is a loud bang resonate throughout the quiet crowd. Looking at the target all you can see is a hole right in the middle of the body shaped target. If this was a real person they would be dead by now. After the first target he quickly moves on to the next target only to end up with the same outcome. By the third target he turned around to look at everyone only to see their mouths wide open.

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