Chapter 21: No Control

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I stare at the beautiful blue sky as I lay in the fields. The warmth of the sun shining down and keeping me comfortable as the breeze blows through the air. I breathe in the air as I feel the tall grass tickle against my arms. I just lay in the field listening to the laughter of children in the distance. Closing my eyes I just embraced the comfort until a dark shadow casted across my face. Slowly peeling my eyes open I saw a familiar blue eyes staring down at me.

"What are you doing Amity? Slacking off laying in your flower fields!" He yells down in my face. "I didn't expect anything different from an amity. Cant handle the life of a dauntless. Why don't you just go home and cry."

"Weak" I hear someone mutter behind him.

I turned my head to see who was talking only to find Four staring right at me. But before I could say anything I felt hand wrap around my body. They start dragging me across the field as I lay limp in shock. I then feel the panic rise and I start thrashing around trying to break free.Out of the corner of my eye I saw blurs of yellow and red as they keep their hold on me.

" Stay here. You belong with us." Whispered into my ear.

"You'll never escape; blood before faction. Right?" The other person venomously said to me.

Those voices. I know them.

My face paled at the sight. My parents are the ones dragging me back to the one place I never want to see ever again.

I quickly look back to my chosen faction only to see a sea of black just standing there laughing at my demise. I found the one person I thought would care, but as I looked into Pax's eyes I felt so broken. He just turns and laughs at me with everyone else.

"Have fun picking your flowers, little amity." Was Eric's final parting words.

I was then swarmed by a wave of yellow and red Amity people watching as I got thrown into a dark box.

Darkness. That was the only thing I could see. It was so dark I couldn't even see my hand right in front of my face. I could feel the small walls around me, but that was it; nothing else. I listen silently only to hear nothing. Nothing but my own breath and my fast heart beat. I quickly started slamming on the walls trying to break out of my dark cage, but couldn't find any way to escape. I start to panic and start yelling hoping anyone could hear me beg for my freedom.

"Please help. Let me out." I scream feeling like a hopeless child. "Please"

But there was no sound, no one to help. I start to feel the salty tears slowly run down my face as I curl into a ball hoping for this nightmare to be over. 

I take a deep breath.

The sound of water was rushing in my ears making me stand from my position on the floor. I looked around and noticed I'm in the halls of dauntless. Near the chasm to be exact. I slowly start to walk towards the raging water. As I got to the chasm I stopped dead in my tracks at the bridge looking at the other end stood a tall dark figure.

"You!" yelled the dark figure.

His voice sounded very familiar, but I just couldn't place it. The feeling of danger washed over me, making me take a step back.

"You're going to regret ever coming here." he started to run right at me.

I turned ready to run, but he was quicker. He grabbed me by my hair and yanked me back. I turned and punched him in the face, but it did nothing but make him angrier. Then all at once I was weightless only to have gravity take hold of my body. He had shoved me off the bridge, but he held my arm so I was just dangling over the chasm.

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