Chapter 7: My New Life

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My new life is waking up at the break of dawn or what i assume due to old habits; to then eat breakfast by myself since no one is really awake yet. I then go to the training room for a 30 minute run, until Four comes to get ready for training. I have helped him a couple times waiting for the rest of the institutes to come. After training I then eat lunch with Pax and sometimes Alex only to go back to training. Just to finish my day by showering sometimes dinner and then bed. This has become my new schedule, the new normal every day.

This past week training has been brutal; Eric likes to push people past their breaking point. I'm pretty sure he likes to see people suffer and Four unfortunately doesn't really have a say in the matter. Every time Eric pushes people too hard and Four has tried to step in Eric just pulls his leader card and says not to question him.

My body is stiff and aches from all the extensive training we have had to put in with no rest days, but I wasn't as bad as the rest of the group; they looked like walking zombies. The second day of training almost everyone couldn't make it out of bed let alone train. I probably would have been the same if not for all the training i have done in amity. But Eric saw their weakness and made training harder.

When i still was performing my training a lot better than the rest I realized he was making training harder to wear me down not because they were tired. I don't know what he has against me. I thought he wanted people who get through his training not make everyone suffer because I can do what he asks. His stupid statist ass probably is just mad that the only poor little amity transfer is beating everyone when he thought i would fail. Well jokes on him I'm not going to give up and play in to his childish game.

We run until I'm huffing and puffing, we lift weights until I'm drenched in sweat, and we keep going until I'm almost lying down. Soon everyone else started to notice that the reason training was so hard was because of me; so now I'm hated by all the transfer institutes.

Some of them told me I should fake being tired just so they could have an easy day, but I will not just roll over and let Eric win. So they just have to endure my stamina and skills while Eric yells at us.

I jolt awake to a loud banging; jumping out of bed I got in a fighting stance ready for anything. After a second I look around to see Four with a metal pipe in his hand banging it on a piece of metal.Slightly confused I realized that this is how Four woke everybody up every morning after I'm already up. Still confused with sleep in my eyes; I realized I slept in. Four looked at me amused by how I woke up while everybody looked at me like I'm a weirdo. Hurrying to put my clothes on so I will be able to get some breakfast before training. I make it to the cafeteria; getting a muffin and some fruit; I sit and eat. I usually have a lot of time in the morning so I wasn't prepared for this. I noticed that there are a lot more people here at this time compared to when I got up. Through the people I can see Pax make his way over to me.

"Man first time seeing you here; finally get a normal sleep schedule." he teased.

"No, I just overslept. All this training is starting to wear me down."

"I can imagine training with Eric all day; I would die, but then you get up early just to voluntarily exercise more. You're crazy."

"Haha it gets easier the more you do it. Consistency my friend, but be grateful you never have to train with Eric. That is something I wish I didn't have to do." Scowling just thinking about training.

"Well good luck with today's training i heard you have something special today." he wiggled his brows

"Oh goody." I sarcastically say. "Good luck yourself."

"I don't need luck, I have skill." rolling my eyes I wave him off.

I make my way to the training room disappointed that I didn't get to do my normal work out. It made me more irritated with Eric pushing us so hard that I slept in, but it's making me stronger so it's not his fault; right?

First thing I see walking into the training room is a board with our names on it with both trainers standing next to it.

"Slacking already Amity?" I hear Eric say. Snidely taking a jab at me sleeping in and not being here before everyone else.

Not playing his game; i decided to ignore him, so I walked over to the punching bag to warm up greeting Four on the way. As I land a couple jabs I feel a hand roughly grab my arm and turn me to face them.

Staring into blue eyes "Don't ignore me ever again." he was seething you could almost see smoke coming out of his ears.

"Why does it make you mad." I mocked in a baby voice.

Face bright red and a death glare that could put you 6 feet under. I just stared him down; not backing down. Everybody who just came from lunch witnessed everything. Their faces turned white with fear about what might happen now just watching the sean play out. Then everybody flinched.


Feeling the breeze of wind blow past my face when his fist came so fast right past my face; hitting the punching bag right behind me.

Both of us stood still like a pair of rocks.

"If you ever disrespect me like that again I will make your life a living hell; you will regret ever picking this faction." he muttered in my face.

"Do you hear me? Don't test me."

Never breaking eye contact looking him dead in the eye; I said one word. One that was so aggravating that I'm pretty sure he would try and kill me on the spot.

"K" I let out while i smuggly looked at him.

As his hand came up to murder me; Four stepped in and pushed him away as he was dragging away the furiously struggling leader. He proceeded to explain what we are doing today.

"So as you all can see when you came in your name is on this board. We have paired you up and that is who you will be fighting today. You will use all the information you have learned and the skills we have taught you this past week. You will be scored on how well you do on your fights, so good luck." with that said everyone crowds around the board to see who they will be fighting.

" wait scored for what." someone in the back had asked.

" through the course of this 10 weeks you will be ranked from best too worst. Depending how well you do tells us where to put you for jobs later; you could get leader or you could get the wall, so do your best." Four explained.

" First fight; in the ring Sam v.s Cameron. Let's go!" Eric yelled out, still very angry.

A couple of Erudite transfers walk up to the mat while everyone circles around ready to watch how this first fight will play out. Sam is a smaller guy about 5'5 and has only put on a small amount of muscle whereas Cameron is about 5'9 and has a bigger build and muscle. Looking at the two you could tell Cameron will probably win this fight and from just seeing him train, unless Sam moves fast enough.

"Rules; you fight until your opponent can no longer fight or they concede." Four explained. "Now Fight!"

5 minutes later Sam is being dragged to the infirmary. The fight didn't last long Cameron landed three punches then Sam was out like a light.

"Up next Beth and Kit."

"Sigh." this is going to be another short fight.

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