Chapter 5: Day in Dauntless

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Finally I found the dining hall in this maze of a building, I go in and see it's already bustling with people; everyone trying to grab a bite to eat after just getting off of work or some are just about to start work. Everyone is sitting around with groups of family and friends, even just random people that they happen to sit next to; it reminds me of amity just a bit having everybody all eating together, but it's different you don't have to greet everyone you see and have to stop and hug them. Loud and lively, definitely a lot more fun than the amity dining area.

Looking around for a spot to sit was a little hard; you can only see a few empty spaces. I was looking for a more secluded spot to sit by myself when I saw Pax waving me down with an empty spot across from him.

"Hey Amity long time no see." Pax greets with his usual grin

"Hey Pax. By the way it's Fred now not amity." I told him seriously.

" what no way is it really. Welcome to dauntless Fred." he greeted me with his hand out for a handshake.

We both burst out laughing.

"So did you come up with a new name or is it still amity?" he grinded with a raised eyebrow.

"Ari! I had to think quick, but I'm happy that I thought of it."

"Nice name Fred."Pax said with me, giving him a playful glare.

Looking at all the food they had on the tables I see they have a wide variety of food I've never seen before so I decided to try something new. I put together the hamburger the same way that pax did, but I waited for a second to assess it before I took a bite.

My eyes grow wide with the first bite drawing pax attention.

"What! What's wrong?" he panicked.

Taking a quick second bite muttering something under your breath.

"What did you just say?" Pax questioned, still a little worried.

"Stupid amity Kept the good food from us! This is amazing." I shout at him while I take another bite, moaning with the flavor in my mouth.

Apparently i had shouted a little louder then i thought because Pax wasn't the only person laughing at what i said.

The guy right behind me patted me on the back "you are definitely dauntless!" he tells me as the guy next to him gives me a high five.

I'm definitely glad to be here.

"So are you excited for your first day of training tomorrow?" Pax asked with a gleam telling me he can wait for tomorrow.

"definitely." I told him finishing my burger.

"Damn you finished that fast."

"It was just amazing I could eat another; I'm so glad I'm dauntless."

"If you liked that then you really need to try the cake."he chuckled out

Excited with this new piece of information. I started looking all around the cafeteria for this cake he was talking about, but my search was interrupted; I made eye contact with blue eyes. On the balcony stood the dauntless leaders getting everyone's attention; the entire room goes silent as the man raises his hand.

"Welcome initiates congratulations on making dauntless the warrior faction I am Max one of your Leaders. I just want to wish you good luck on your training for the next 10 weeks and be brave, courageous and strong." he turned and walked off the balcony as everyone in the cafeteria started cheering and chanting for a celebration.

Dauntless partied all night celebrating the arrival of new initiates, however initiates can't stay out and party; we were told not to drink or anything else that would get us in trouble. So we said our goodnights and got our rest in before the first day of training.

I wake up bright and early or so I hoped; you can't really see the sun down here in this cellar, but nobody else is awake yet and I'm usually up at the break of dawn. Relizeing training doesn't start until 8; damn roosters. I get dressed in the training clothes that they gave us and silently step out of the dorms. Now not having my normal morning routine I have to figure out what to do. I decided to go get something to eat to waste some time. The cafeteria was quiet compared to last night; only a few people are around getting their morning coffee to try and wake themselves up. Just grabbing some toast bacon and eggs for a basic breakfast I eat by myself in silence taking in my surroundings and thinking about everything that had happened yesterday.

After finishing my breakfast I decided to look for the training room; after wandering around and a couple of wrong turns I finally found the big double doors that Four showed us yesterday that lead to the training room. Opening the big doors I stepped into a huge area; looking sound you could see the punching bags lined on one wall farthest from the door and next that is a big platform like they have in the pit for fights. Off to the side are targets lining another wall like the punching bags and next to that is a big weight room with other equipment and a running track circling around the entire room. I admired the room for a minute then decided to take my usual morning run while I waited for training to begin.

After running for 30 minutes I see Four walk in and I make my last lap. Finishing my last lap I make my way over where Four is and notice everyone else filing in the room grouping around Four and Eric; who is staring straight at me.

"Ready for the real training to begin amity?" he asked with a smug smirk. 

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