Chapter 23: Good Morning?

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I don't know when the fighting stopped or when my eyes had finally shut, But I do remember getting tackled to the ground for what felt like the 5th time. Eric sat above me mocking me with his wins and my eyes had just fluttered shut feeling at peace. The exhaustion finally pulled me into a dreamless sleep. All my muscles finally relaxed, my busy mind finally shut off after a whole week of not sleeping. No screams, no crying, not even a single nightmare, just peaceful silence. But what felt like minutes of sleep finally came to an end as I was now being shaken awake.

I quickly jolted up alarmed. I take a minute to put my thoughts together then look at my surroundings confused. Was I asleep? What time is it?

I stop and look at the person who woke me up.

"Kai?" I questioned "where's Eric? And what time is it?"

"Well good morning to you too." He greets brightly, handing over a muffin. "I was instructed by a certain someone to wake you as close as I could to your training time. You may be a little late though since training is starting now."

I just grinned as I started to eat the muffin. "That's ok i'm always late."

He just chuckles knowing I always show up late.

"Good to see you finally sleeping." He mentioned

"Yeah! I honestly feel a lot better, but I wish I had got to sleep a little longer." Knowing how hard it will be just to go back to sleep later.

"Please don't go without sleep that long again." he begs. "Honestly you were a nightmare but everyone was too terrified to say anything. I think even Eric was a little scared to go near you." He jokes.

I just started thinking about how Eric fought with me all night just so I would exhaust myself to the point of sleep. And It actually worked. I didn't even know I fell asleep.

"I guess I better make my way to training before I'm too late." I joke. "Thanks for the food." I wave.

"Have a good day at training." he said, sounding like a parent wishing their child luck at school.

I finally made it to the hallway of the training room. Making my way over to pax I see Orion with a black and blue face avoiding eye contact with me. I grin to myself as I take my spot next to Pax. He leans on my shoulder and my head instinctively goes on top of his.

"Were you in the gym again?" He asked softly.

"Yeah." I muttered.

He just nods and stays quiet for a bit.

"Thank you for yesterday." He tells me. "It was nice for once not to experience the nightmares that plague me. I actually got some sleep."

Not knowing what to say I just patted his head to show comfort. Right then and there Zeke wanted some of the attention too. He laid his head on my other shoulder which made my muscles tense.

"I want a head pat too.''He whined like a five year old.

I just glared at the top of his head, but caved in and patted it.

After a bit Four stepped out and called the next person in, but Eric is always the one who called names. That's weird. Then a few moments later Eric comes around the corner and calls another name. What is going on? I turn to look at him as he waits for the person to follow and he just looks at me and nods like nothing happened.

My head turned to Pax with confusion written all over my face. As I was about to ask the question pax was already answering it for me.

"The fear sims were taking too long with everybody so they are running to a second room to help speed it along."

King of DauntlessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang