Chapter 6: Training

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" Since amity thinks the early bird gets the worm and wants to show off! let's see how much stamina you all have; we are starting with running. LETS GO STARTING NOW!" Eric calls out

Looking at him confused; i don't realize how me taking a morning run is showing off. The run was only 30 minutes so I wouldn't count that as showing off. Still confused, I huff out annoyed and take off running. After a few minutes I had run a whole lap around everyone else who were starting to slow there pace down every second that ticked by except for a few who kept their pace strong. After 30 minutes I could feel eyes on me; looking around I caught piercing blue eyes staring me down intensely. He was scrutinizing my every move looking for any weakness and next to him is four with eyebrows raised looking surprised at me.

"How much longer?" I hear an erudite boy named Sam huff out.He slowly came to a stop leaning on his hands and knees trying to catch his breath; everyone else followed along looking like a school of fish out of water trying to catch their breath. I slowed to a slight jog with two others who were able to keep up; not knowing when we should stop. I was starting to huff with a heavier breath and a coat of sweat dripping down my body.

"You go until I say so. So why have you stopped running!" Eric barked out.

The initiates started running again, but it was very slow; looking as though they were about to collapse. From the corner of my eye I could see Four arguing with the big bad Dauntless leader; he was probably arguing about how much running he was making the new trainees do on their first day.

After running for an hour or in my case an hour and a half. "Ok stop and group up." Eric finally yelled.

A few people collapsed instantly in front of Four and Eric the others hunched over gasping for air. I group up with my hands on my sides breathing heavy.

"Great now that you've guys worked up a sweat we can start training." Eric explained with a Malicious grin.

Everyone groaned hearing that this was just a warm up, but I'm a little excited to have a proper workout.

"We need to build muscle and fast for your fights later so today is focusing on weights. You have until lunch; go get started."Four ordered

As I'm about to do a pull up I hear someone introduce himself. "Well hello there I'm Orion that Jax over there." he gestures to the guy working out behind him. I realized that they were the guys who didn't get as tired as everyone else when running and actually kept up with me.

"Oh hi?"

" i was just wondering if a pretty girl like yourself would want to group up with us and we can become unbeatable; show all these useless people what dauntless really looks like." he looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

" Umm no thanks." I told him awkwardly. Turning to walk away.

"What, why not? I'll even give you the honor of being my girlfriend." he said with a cocky know it all tone.

" Yeah hard no for me." I told him annoyed.

He opened his mouth to respond but from behind him someone else talked. "What are you doing just standing around. Get to work. NOW!" Eric yelled.

Starting my pull ups Orion furiously marches away leaving me with a certain leader who just stood there glaring at me. sighing . stupid Orion getting me in trouble just because he wanted to chit chat now i have to deal with the moody leader and I am sure later i will still have to deal with that idiot.

At some point Eric had left me alone and I moved on to the weights, but half way though I hear Eric yelling at someone. "Who said you can take a break, get back to work."

I see a girl whose name I think was Beth lying on the ground drenched in sweat, trying to suck in as much air as she can. I then looked around and noticed that over half of them are on the verge of collapsing, but are dragging themselves along panting like dogs continuing with their training. After awhile Four finally tells us it's lunch time and we can stop.

Feeling the sweat drip down my face and every move I make I can feel my muscles burning.

"Just remember you have an hour break for lunch, don't be late." Four yells at our slow retreating figures.

Making my way down to the dinner hall I started to think about how tired I am. I finally get to sit down and it feels so good and take a break. In amity working out was an option and I could stop whenever I wanted, but here they push you to your breaking point and then make you keep going. Just deciding to eat light I grabbed a salad and sat on an empty bench to eat.

As I'm eating I feel someone sit next to me and then someone I don't know sat down right in front of me.

" hey Fred." I hear Pax say then a hand patted my back.

"Oh you're covered in sweat."he pointed out wiping his hand on his pants " I love you but please take a shower." he laughed with the person who sat across from us.

With a deadpan look "thanks... it wouldn't do me much good because I have to go back and make more sweat. It's not like you look any better.'' I tell him looking him up and down.

"Ok fair. How has training been with our wonderful leader Eric."

"Well I'm still in one pice just sore, so i'd say fine, but this morning he wasn't very happy when i had a morning run before everyone got there. Just because of that we ran for a whole hour right before training."

"Damn." Pax and his friend muttered " I'm glad we don't have him as a trainer."

"Sorry but who are you?" I finally ask the guy from across the table.

"Oh sorry forgot to introduce myself. Im Alex." he stuck his hand out.

"Ari. nice to meet you."

"Don't let her fool you, her name is Fred." Pax told him with a cheeky grin. We all laughed together.

We chatted throughout the rest of lunch and then made our way back to the training rooms for our next part of training.

"For the rest of today you will be learning how to fight on the punching bags. Eric and I will be walking around to observe and help you with your stance. So good luck." Four motioned for us to begin.

We all went to our own punching bag and started. My first swing was a little too hard. I wasn't expecting it to be so light compared to punching a sturdy tree; this is a lot easier. The bag swung back and forth to the beat of my fists. Each hit was a little quicker and harder than the last; I let out all that tight tension in my muscles and got lost in it. Soon I feel a hand rest on my shoulders; stopping my movements I turn to see Four.

" That's enough for today." he told me. Looking around I see everyone at the door about to leave looking bewildered at me; like I've lost my mind. The clock reads 4:00 signaling that training was indeed over. I guess I lost track of time focusing on the punching bag. As I was about to leave I glanced over to the trainers who were staring intensely at me. I walk out thinking about what they could have been thinking; hopefully nothing bad.

I walked back to the dorms in need of a shower and some sleep, because we are going to have to do that all again tomorrow. Back in the dorms everyone else was already showered sleeping or off doing who knows what probably eating. Taking my chance to have a shower I was quickly surprised to be met with cold water. After a minute I got used to it and it helped numb the ache in my muscles. Finally washed up I lay my head down and fall fast asleep.

"This is going to be a long 10 weeks." I muttered to myself.

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