Chapter 8: Fights

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 "Fight!" is all you here.

More infirmary visits; the sound of flesh hitting each other.

Another short fight.

Looking over to the trainers you can see disappointment on Fours face and Erics hasn't lost the anger, it's grown to molten fury.

None of the fights have lasted longer than 5 minutes and most of the weak ones just stopped fighting and took the loss. All the fights have gone by so fast it hasn't even been a half an hour into training. Erics just keeps getting angrier that Four actually took a few sept away. Next fight was Jax and Aaron. Jax has gone hard in training that he could definitely be on par to me. Aaron has definitely built muscle but compared to Jax he looks small. Jax has a big build about 6'3 and is fast on his feet.

"Jax and Aaron." Four called.


Aaron circled Jax assessing his movement watching him like a hawk. Then Aaron lunges making the first move. As he tried to land a punch on Jax he miscalculated and Jax grabbed his fist and pulled him close and punches a right hook to the face then the stomach. Aaron staggers back a little shaken up; he shakes his head trying to regain his focus. Everyone started cheering Excited for this fight even Four and Eric look impressed.

Aaron now stayed back playing his next move safe. Jax takes this time to make a move. He lunges at Aaron, but he dodges the move and takes this open space to land a hit to Jax's face turning the tables. Jax's is unfazed by the hit, but looks irritated; kinda like Eric on a bad day. Jax's gets back in his defense stance prepared for anything. He slowly circles with Aaron waiting for the other to make a move Jax quickly moves and lands a hard jab to Aaron's face. Aaron falls hitting the ground hard.As he tries to pick his body up Jax took the opportunity and moves on top and starts hitting. One punch after another Aaron tries to protect himself but Jax was too forceful. And with one last blow to the face.

" FIGHT OVER! Jax's wins." Four announces .

Jax slowly backs off as Aarons friends come to pick him up off the mat; taking him to the infirmary. Everyone was Congratulating Jax as he got off the mat and the trainers were in a better mood now actually seeing a fight; giving them hope that their training was paying off.

"Last Fight." I hear Eric said, turning to him and meeting his cold gaze "Amity and Orion." he through a smug look my way.

Making my way to the mat.

"Look baby if you're scared I get it; just admit it I will go easy on you. I don't want my flower to look wilted." Orion said with his arrogant smug smile.

"I'm not your flower and you're the one who should be begging me to go easy because I'm definitely not going to hold back." I tell him very annoyed. Getting in a fighting stance ready for the word.

"Fine if amity thinks she can handle a fight I won't hold back. Don't worry I'll make it fast, it won't last longer than 5 minutes." he tells me.

Hearing amity one to many times; I left that place for a reason. So annoyed looking at this cocky asshole. I start thinking about all my pent up frustration. I'm annoyed by how people keep thinking I'm weak just because I was born in amity; how this ass thinks he can treat me like I'm not strong enough on my own and I need him to go "easy" just for me to probably win. I'm furious how that stupid leader Eric thinks he owns this damn place and just treats everyone like shit for no damn reason.

"FIGHT!" I hear Eric yell, but taking one last look at his smug face to see Orion with his smug look, I snapped; time to wipe that look off his face.

Lunging fast he didn't have time to think; my mind was already moving my body with the rage it felt.he didn't see it coming as I land a hard hit straight to his jaw watching as his arrogant smile fell from his face recoiling back. Surprised he left himself open and unprotected. I take this time and send two jabs to his abdomen sending him staggering back. I then kicked his legs out from underneath him by the time he hit the ground he had no clue what hit him.

I backed off a little so he could recollect himself and probably his pride. Such big talk about how he will finish this in 5 minutes only to be on the floor in 5 seconds.

"What's wrong? I thought you said you won't go easy on me?" I snap sarcastically.

With a red face he stands in a fighting stance, but his first mistake was letting his anger take control of his fighting because it will become sloppy.

He circles around the mat with me for a minute. We assess each other waiting for movement; he lunges at my right, landing a small jab to my side, but I take this as a chance. I throw a hard punch at his face then bring my knee up to his stomach. He keels over to catch his breath; however, he caught me off guard and tackled me to the ground. He threw two punches to the side of my face.

Growing tired of this fight; i put on a good show now i will end it. Surprising him and everyone in the room I flipped him over and land three hard strike combo at him. Last thing I hear is a slight crack before I watch him fall unconscious. Satisfied with my work I backed off his unconscious body only to hear Four call out.

"Ari wins!?"

Looking around I see everyone surprised and a confused Eric; Why are they so surprised they see how I train every day, damn Eric makes training harder because of me, so why are they so shocked. Jax's drags Orion off to the infirmary while four explains what happens next.

"Good job on your fights. Later after dinner i will post your rankings, so for the rest of the day you can do whatever you like. Have a good day off."

So excited to finally have some free time after this whole week. I slowly walked to the door trying to figure out what I wanted to do with it. Feeling those blue eyes still burning a hole in me I decided to turn around and give him a cheeky smile and wave before walking out the door.

I don't think he was impressed.

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