Chapter 16: Week After Week

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The first part of training is coming to an end; only a little bit longer to go.

After that first day of training I ate dinner with Pax who couldn't believe Eric was my personal trainer. He was saying how we can barely last in a room together without fighting let alone put us to actually fight one on one every day.

I agree even though some days we were civil with each other we still try to rip each other's throat out on other days. Yesterday was the worst. We had to have our training cut short due to almost killing each other, but that's what Four was for. Training had been different everyday, never doing just the same thing. It had gotten increasingly harder as the days went by. I could barely feel my limbs some mornings and I'm covered in bruises.

Every morning I woke up to the same blue eyes staring me down. One day it was right above my face, scaring the life out of me. I hit the ground with a solid smack; between my groning I could hear him laughing at me. Actually laughing!

But not today. This morning I had woken up to silence, no person standing and watching my every move; no rushing to get ready with an audience, just my normal early morning.

Cautiously getting up I looked all around the room of sleeping people trying to see if he was messing with me. My muscles ache in protest to my movements.slowly getting out of bed i decided to go take a shower to try and ease my muscles a little before I have to face the day. The only thing I wish for is a hot shower to relax my sore body, but unfortunately we only get the pleasure of showering in cold water.

I head to the cafeteria to get breakfast. This past week Eric took to dictating when and what I could eat claiming that as my trainer I need protein and a healthy diet. I grab a muffin as I spite him and his diet plane in my head.

As I head for the training room I try to figure out why I haven't seen Eric yet. Deciding to just brush it off I start my morning run. Half way through my run I noticed Four hasn't come in yet and that's really weird. As I finished my run it was the time for the initiates to come in for training still no one. Where is everyone?

As I was thinking, Four came jogging in.

"Good ! I thought I would find you here." he huffs out. "Lets go"

"Go? Go where?" I am so confused.

He starts walking with me following.

"Eric didn't tell you?" He looks over at me confused.

Me just as confused I shake my head no.

"Of course he didn't." he mutters to himself "we are going on a trip to the fence, so we were to meet up at the tracks this morning, but you were missing so I went to find you." Four explained. "So let's hurry up before we miss the train."

"Of course this would be the thing he forgets to mention." I mutter.

As we walk out the compound we see everyone hopping on the train.

"Perfect we main it." four exclaims 

We hurry and run for the train hopping on before it could leave.

"Well look who finally made it." Eric stated as we jumped on glaring at him.

"If someone had told me that I needed to be here we wouldn't have had this problem."

"Oh did I forget to mention it. We are to meet at the track at 8 o'clock sharp. There now you know" he smirked and walked away

"There you are. I was worried that today was the day you decided to sleep in." Pax jokes.

I turned around shocked. "You're here!" I then noticed we are traveling with the dauntless born.

"Yep we all get to see the fence."

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