Chapter 14: To Good

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Get up, get food, start my run, then help setup. Train with Four then help him clean up, go to lunch only for more training, then help Four again. This has been my whole week on repeat with no free time just training and my punishment which is mainly cleaning the training room. But this all ends today!

My last day of punishment. I will be able to have my normal days back and that unfortunately means Eric will be back as well. Thankfully I have been able to avoid him after the whole chasem incident. After what happened at the chasem I have avoided Eric like a plague; I only saw him once in passing since then, but turned around to avoid him and another incident he would cause. Other than that we just do our normal glaring match that we always have going on there have been no other corals between us.

These last few days of training have been fun, but are slowly becoming boring. We have just done the same thing over and over guns, knives, then if we have time fight training.

And let's just say I may have become too good at shooting and knives. Halfway through this training week I have just practiced in whatever I want because I get bored doing the same thing over again and having no need to do it.

Finally today we get to have our next fight and end our training in guns and knives. Then we only have a couple more weeks then we are done with the physical part of training.

I started helping Four set up the knives as someone walked into the room. Turning to see who it is. I stopped; stunted at who walked in. Wearing his cocky smirk, I stare eye to eye with none other than Eric. So shocked at seeing him I didn't even see Max enter right behind him.

What is he doing here? He wasn't supposed to be back until tomorrow!

Four sees the leaders and goes over to talk with them privately away from me, but I pretend to keep setting up the knives while I try to listen to their conversation. Unfortunately I was not able to hear their conversation. By the end of their discussion I couldn't ask any questions because everyone started to come in for training.

So I got no information as to why he is here!

"Alright, today will be a little different. The leaders will be observing your training to see how well you are all doing; so do your best." Four informs us " Up to the roof . we will start with shooting."

We all headed up to the roof, Eric unfortunately included. We see the normal setup of guns and targets; taking a gun I assemble it really fast like I've been doing for this whole week. I then grabbed the ammunition and loaded it. Taking a deep breath I prepare myself . I need to make a good impression with max; after getting in trouble, it's a bonus to show off to Eric knowing it would piss him off and wipe that smirk off his face.

I was the first one ready so all eyes were on me. Walking to the shooting range I get in position then I shoot. Every target I shoot, I shoot precise and perfectly.

After the first day of guns I was already good but I had taken my time to refine my skill so I was always accurate. After I was done shooting I walked back to the table and reloaded and grabbed an extra clip so I won't have to reload again.

After a while I got tired of the same old thing and I just started shooting things like smiley faces and hearts on my targets until we are done. I go to dismantle the gun And after I'm done putting it away I turn to where the leaders are and they are just standing there looking at me like I'm crazy. Smiling, I wave and head downstairs to get ready for the next task.

Down in the training room we all gather around and wait for Fours instructions.

"Good job at shooting, now get to throwing." he ordered.

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