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SUMMERY: reader has been ignoring spencer since jj admired her love to him

Ever since the case where JJ and Spencer got held hostage you've been hesitant to talk to both of them. It's been about two weeks since then. You don't want to talk to him. You definitely do not want to talk to JJ.

Spencer told you what had happened, JJ admitted to being in love with him. You're scared to death that he loves her too. What are you supposed to say? Hes probably in love with JJ so what's the point of talking to him.

There's a bang on your door. Startled from the noise you slightly jump before going to open the door. You opening it revealing Spencer. Spencer walks in passing you slightly shoving you. Not enough to hurt but enough to make you stumble.

You quickly catch your balance before going over to Spencer. "Why are you here?" you asked crossing your arms. He visibly got mad, clenching his jaw and bawling up his fist.

"What do you mean why am I here?! Y/n you haven't talked to me in five days you've been ignoring me!" he yells.

Spencer doesn't understand what's going on in your heard right now. You knew that but you don't care. You rather have him guess then admit how you were feeling. He can't wrap his hand around why you would be ignoring him. He thought at first it was because you were mad at him for the way he talked to you when you asked if he was okay. He snapped at you. But you were understanding and understood he wasn't in the best place. Plus that was a month ago.

"I just didn't want to talk" you admit.

He rolls his eyes sitting on the couch. "So you couldn't let me know you where at least safe?" he said with an attitude. You nod slowly. "Yeah...".

He stands up aggressively. "This isn't a fucking joke Y/n" he scolds. You don't know what to do. Spencer get angrier by Y/n not saying anything.

"Spencer you act like I haven't talked to you at all, I talked to you at work didnt I?"

"Only about work! You ignore me when I try to talk about anything else!" he yells.

You stay quiet for some time not knowing what to say.

Spencer's eyes get watery. Y/n panics not knowing what to do. She hated seeing him cry. He didn't cry in front of her much, he didn't like to worry her. "Spence...." Y/n starts walking over to him.

"Do you want to break up with me?" he cries.

Y/n feels guilty not knowing what to do to make it better. She sighs. Maybe I should tell him Y/n thinks. Y/n goes over to him and straddles his lap. She wipes her dumb over his tears. "No Spencer." Y/n wraps her arms around his torso. "I love you. I love you so much." she kisses his cheek softly.

Spencer is confused on what is going on. He just looks down at my lap. "Then what is it? Is our relationship falling apart?" he asks sobbing into Y/n's shoulder.

"No. No Spencer it's not." she reassures him and plays with his hair. "I'm- I just." Y/n sighs. "I haven't been talking to you because of the situation with JJ" she whispers. Spencer's head darts up. He's confused for a moment.

"You mean when she said she loves me?" he tilts his head waiting for Y/n to say something. Y/n nods.

Spencer takes a deep breath before continuing to talk. He's not sure what to say to make her feel better. Y/n's eyes get watery.

"I was scared" she admits with her whole soul. Y/n wasn't an open person. She didn't like crying in front of people she didn't like sharing her feelings. Spencer was worried, he's never seen her so hurt over something. "Of what" he whispers. He caressed her cheek before kissing her forehead softly.

"O-Of you loving her back" she broke down while saying that. Spencer's face softens. He softly kisses Y/n's lips before pulling away. He hugs you tightly, causing your chest to collide since you were still on his lap. "I don't love her. She's like a sister to me" he says trying to reassure Y/n. It wasn't reassuring her though. She was still nervous. What if he's lying she thought.

Spencer saw the worry in Y/n's eyes. "I promise" he grabs her hand kissing it.

"You're the only one I want. You're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. We're gonna get married. I want us to buy a big house. With our four kids. Oh! And we can buy a ranch. I know you want a pet goat. We can have a small ranch with your goat and a pig and a cow. Maybe some chickens. Oh and we can buy you a cat. Our apartment doesn't allow pets so I can't buy you one now but soon when we move out. Unless one of our kids have allergies then we can't get one. Also we have to name our first born son 'Spencer Jr' of course"

Spencer rambles on and on with what he wants the rest of our life to be like. I smile at him. "Four kids Spencer? That's a lot"

He smiles. "Please, I really want four kids. Or more. I want little kids to run around and we can take care of. Watch them grow. And you know how in movies they like do marks on the walls to see how tall the kids have grown we can do that and"

Y/n cuts him off. "Spence, only four kids. No more that is too many." she laughs.

"Okay fine" he whines. "Maybe five but that's it" she gives Spencer some hope.

Y/n loved the idea of having kids with Spencer. She wanted maybe two but four? Four is a lot. She just wants to make Spencer happy. Her mind was anywhere from the JJ situation right now. Spencer just wanted a future with her. Spencer wanted to make her happy and have a bunch of kids running around in their house.

Spencer picks her up and starts walking towards their bedroom. "Spencer put me down!" she yells. "No, let's go look for houses on the app you have on your phone then we should make a baby" he opens the door and throws her on the bed before lying on top of her.

She grabs her phone going to the zillow app. "How big should we get the house?" Y/n asks running her hands through Spencer's hair.

"Big." he simply replies. "What's our price range?" she looks down at Spencer who was nuzzling his head into her chest. "Mmm.... We don't have a price range, if we find a house that we love, I don't care if it's a million dollars or if it's half a million I really don't care. I just want us to be happy." he says.

Y/n smiles. She's happy. She's happy to be with the man she loves. And that man loves her.

SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED IN A WHILE. i've just been having writers block. if anyone has ideas for imagines send them my way thanks😄

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