first birthday

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TYPE: fluff

"Spence!" I shout sitting in my bed with my daughter. Her first birthday was approaching and I have no idea what the theme should be.

"Yes love" he calls back. "Come to the room please".

He walks in and smiles at me and our daughter. "Hey Winter" he coos holding her and kissing her cheek. "Are you going to say hello to me now?" I joke. He smiles softly. "Hello my gorgeous wife"

He leans over to kiss me softly. His lips on mine. We stay like that until Winter starts to fuss. "She doesn't like the attention off of her" I laugh. "Just like her mom." he jokes. "Oh come here Winter, it's okay daddy has you" he cradled her. She laughs. "Daddy" she says. Winter can only speak a few words but she walks and she runs, she's very active.

"What should the theme be for her birthday?" I ask Spencer scooting back on the bed. "Hmm how about that show she likes, the one with the talking ponies" he suggest. "My Little Pony?"

"Yes! That!" he shouts. "Mmm maybe..." I say. I know what I want the theme to be but Spencer won't want it. And like Spencer can read my mind he speaks. "What do you want to do, I can tell you're holding back"

"Okay fine" I groan jokingly. "What if we have a pool party" I say fast. "A pool party?" he raised his eyebrows. I nod and put Winter on my lap.

"Cmon Spencer! It'll be cute! It can be summer themed or beach themed." I beg hoping he'll give in. "You do realize we named our child Winter right?"

I giggle looking down at winter.

"It'll be ironic!" I smile. He shakes his head. "I don't want a bunch of people in my pool" he argues.

I roll my lip and give puppy dog eyes. "Please. You don't even go swimming anyways so we might as well put the pool to use"

"Winter can't even swim" he says crossing his arms.

"And the only reason I got a house with a pool is because you begged me too" he goes to hold my hand but I snap it away.

"I know but Winter really wants a pool party" I frown.

I grab her and pick her up. "Please daddy let me have a pool party" I mock her voice. Spencer smiles and grabs Winter from me. "She did not say that" he giggles. "Yes she did you just saw her say it" I lay on my stomach facing Spencer and Winter.

"Okay fine." he finally gives in. I jump up in excitement. I grab my baby. "You hear that Winter? Daddy's letting us have a pool party!"

She laughs softly. "Thank you Spence" I get up and kiss him on the lips.

"You're welcome but no beer at the party. Your friends are drunks and I don't want anyone suing us" he says in a serious tone.

I roll my eyes. "They'll control themselves."

It's the day of Winters birthday and everyone's here! We even got Spencer's mom to come.

JJ walks in with Will and her two boys. "Hey guys thank you so much for coming" I smile. I give JJ and Will a hug before directing the boys to the pool.

"I hope you don't mind, I brought fruit salad" she smiles. "Oh not at all thank you so much"

Just then Winter and Spencer come running out of the room. "Sorry we took long, she did not like the hat." Spencer kisses my temple.

I look over to Winter who was wearing a bathing suit with a duck on it. JJ smiles. "This is for you Winter" she gives her a bag.

"Say thank you" Spencer reminds her. "Thank you" she mumbles. JJ and Will smile before going to check on the boys. Next Penelope comes in with a huge present bag. "Luke is down the hall and Emily is also coming up." she puts down the present and goes to Winter.

"Winter i've missed you" she says grabbing the young girl and kisses her cheeks. Luke then comes up with Emily. "Hey guys" Luke comes in hugs Spencer and I so does Emily.

Finally everyone's here and we all go out back to the pool. I put Winter in her little floaty so she can go in the pool. I keep her away from the deep side. Obviously. Penny and Luke stay with me and we talk. Winter starts fussing. "What's wrong" I pick her up. "You want daddy?" she nods.

I pick her up and tell Penelope that i'll be back. I go into the house where Spencer was talking to JJ. "Spence..." I walk in with Winter. "She really wants you to go in the pool."

I know he can't resist her.

He looks into her eyes and gives in. He follows us to the pool. "Y/n if you splash me I'll never talk to you again" he sits on the step. Winter laughs at her dad and tries to paddle to him in her floaty. I grab her and give her to Spencer. "I love you daddy" she says. "I love you too Winter." he kisses her head. Winter hardly talks sometimes, shes shy but she's been talking a lot today.

Winter reaches her arms out trying to hug Spencer but her floaty prevents her from doing it. He pulls her out of it and holds her. Winter laughs before splashing Spencer.

Spencer has a disgusted look on his face. I sit next to Spencer and splash him. "You're lucky I love you" he kisses my head.

I smile and lie my head on his chest. I look over to Henry and Michael playing. "They get along so well" I say. "Yeah they do" Spencer says.

"What do you think about having another one." I say hesitantly, we haven't discussed having another kid. Also Winters only a year, maybe we should wait but I do want the kids close in age.

"I'd love to have another."

"We should have JJ babysit next week. We need some alone time" I whisper in his ear. He smiles and kisses my softly.

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