how i think it is dating spencer reid (head cannons)

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• you guys knew each other for a while, two years to be exact. you and spencer had a close relationship before feelings were talked about.

• spencer was unsure of what you guys were so he wanted to ask you. spencer didn't officially ask you out so you told him you guys weren't together. he looks disappointed so you asked him to be your boyfriend.

• spencer happily said yes but felt weird because he felt like he should've been the one to ask since he was the guy. you explained to him that society's "rules" are stupid.

• he allowed you to touch him, he was trying to be more comfortable, he also didn't want to make you uncomfortable. you guys had a conversation about how you guys feel to touch that conversation opened a door for physical touch

• you love touching him. at first he was kind of awkward but then he engaged in it too. holding hands, hugging, all of that. cuddling was his fav, you guys sleep together every night, well every night he was home.

• your favorite way to sleep is spooning him. you feel like you're giving all your love and affection to him. you love holding him in your arms. he liked when you lied on his chest and you guys were tangled in with each other. he also liked spooning you but you don't like it as much, you rather hold him.

• your guys first kiss was awkward but cute. you initiated it. you guys were just sitting down next to each other on his bed. you just looked up at him and brought his face close. he was confused but you kinda just smushed your lips into his. it felt like a 5th grader having their first kiss. weird.

• eventually he figured out what was going on and he kissed you back cupping your face. he's a good kisser.

• you guys go on as many dates as you can. you guys usually take turns deciding where to go. for him it's usually museums or film festivals he likes. for you, you like to go to trampoline parks, or sometimes you just like to sit out side with him and write. you write poems, songs, anything, they always happen to be about him.

• spencer wakes you up every morning before work, even on cases. the first time he went on a case while you guys were living together he didn't say goodbye which made you mad. ever since then he always wakes you up to say i love you and goodbye. it annoys you at times bc you just want your sleep but at the end of the day you think it's adorable.

• he likes to read books to you, you told him you didn't want to slow him down on his reading since he reads at an inhuman pace but he said he doesn't care.

• you love listening to his rambles and his facts about everything. he loves sharing them with you. you memorize a couple of them and tell them to your family and friends. the first time you did that once you guys had a second alone he kissed you. you looked at him a bit confused, he usually doesn't just kiss you randomly, especially at your parents house.

• "what?" you said as he smiled widely at you. "you remembered the facts i told you" he blushes. "of course i did" you say. he looks at you in awe "i love you so much" he says before kissing you once more. "i love you too spencer" you smile.

• one of you favorite things to do is relax and listen to music. of course spencer doesn't really like modern music, he's more of a classical guy. so you got him to listen to some of you favorite songs, some of them he made comments about the lyrics and how he didn't like them because they were inappropriate so instead you guys listen to the instrumental version.

• you cook for him. he can cook but sometimes has trouble. you arent the best cook so a lot of the time you guys get fast food. which isn't to healthy but spencer is on top of us eating our veggies. he always makes sure i get enough water and eat enough fruits and vegetables.

• spencer whispers affirmations in your ear at night. he knows you can't sleep without them, you used to have this speaker that played them and played nature sounds but it broke. so instead he whispers things in your ear.

•"you are doing your best"

• "you will chose to be happy and to love yourself today"

• "your needs matter" ect.

• you were going to get a new speaker but you have spencer. and he is way better.

• he LOVES when you play with his hair. it's so relaxing to him.

• you guys talk about your future a lot. about how many kids you guys want. what their names are going to be. what kind of house you guys want. his personal favorite subject is about how you guys are going to grow old together.

• he writes about you too his mom. when you went to visit her she showed you the first time he mentioned you. "i'm thinking of talking to this girl soon. i see her all the time at the coffee shop i go to. last week she was reading war and peace. one of my favorites! she's very beautiful too."

hope you liked this😄

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