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TYPE: angst
SONG: tell me why by taylor swift
SUMMARY: spencer and reader and having a baby soon. spencer admits to cheating and they break up only a couple weeks before she gives birth. he ends up going to the birth of his son.

Spencer walks in. "Where have you been?" I ask Spencer. It's 4 in the morning. I've been waiting for him since 8 pm. "Work Y/n.  I work remember." he says blandly. I sigh. We've been fighting a lot lately. I'm not sure if it's because of the stress of the pregnancy but we need to get it together before the baby comes.

"Spencer..." I start. He looks over to my and just walks to the bedroom. "Spencer" I call following him. I open the door and he's on his phone talking to someone. "Spencer" I say softer not wanting to interrupt his call. "What?!" he yells hanging up and throwing his phone on the ground.

"What do you want?!" he yells once again. I feel tears prick my eyes. Sure we've been fighting but he's never acted this way. I'm not sure what's going on right now with him. But somethings wrong.

"Spencer I just wanted to talk to you. I'm sorry I interrupted your phone call. I just miss you" I say while a single tear falls down my face. He notices that i'm crying and rolls his eyes.

"I can't wait till you're hormones are back to normal you're so dramatic" he shakes his head taking off his coat.

"I'm not being dramatic Spencer."

He looks over to me. No sympathy, no empathy in the look of his eyes. Just annoyance.

I bit my lip trying not to cry. "Whatever Y/n im tired." he says changing into his pajamas. "You wouldn't be tired if you weren't out so late" I say going into the restroom to wash my face. I can almost feel him getting mad.

"I was at work." I hear his voice. Gritting through his teeth. "Spencer stop fucking lying I know you weren't at work." I slam my hand on the table. "Yes I was Y/n you wouldn't know a thing about work. You've never worked a fucking day in your life!"

I sigh in frustration. "Okay but I cook and clean for you, I take care of the house because you're never fucking here" I yell.

He ignores me and lies in bed. "No! You're not going to ignore me! Where were you Spencer!"

He gets out of the bed and walks pass me, pushing me slightly. "I'm so tried of you" he mumbled. It honestly breaks my heart to hear him say that. Our baby is on the way and all we're doing is fighting. I wonder if the baby could hear it, it's like we're giving him childhood trauma before he's born.

I stop him at the front door to our house. "Where are you going?!"

"Out" he replied. "It's four in the morning you've been out all night" I grab his arm.

"I told you I was at work"

"Then why did I get a call from Garcia asking if you were home yet. I told her you weren't and she said you guys landed at fucking eight so where were you Spencer"

"You're so annoying just leave me alone" he says in a low tone of voice. "Spencer where were you." I say sternly.

He's visibly very angry, he throws his hands up in the air. "I was with a fucking girl okay! There are you happy?!" he yells.

He was with another girl? Doing what with her? Don't assume the worst.

"Another girl?...." I ask. "Yes another girl Y/n i'm sorry" so he was cheating.

"Is this the first time?" I ask tears pricking at my eyes. "No, it's happened twice." he admits.

"Oh" is all I can say. "When"

"When you were out of town visiting your mom, I don't know I guess I saw her in a bar and brought her back here"

Are you kidding me. "While I was out of town visiting my mom to tell her about us having a baby Spencer?! You brought her here in the house you said we were going to have our family in?!" I yell at him.

"Y/n babe, I know I messed up but i'm sorry" he tries to grab my arm but I pull away. I go into our room grabbing a bad stuffing all my clothes into it. "Y/n you can't leave" he grabs my bag. I snatch it out of his hand. "Yes I can."

"Y/n you're pregnant you're about to have our baby you can't be alone"

"Who says I can't raise my baby by myself" I grab my phone and keys. He grabs my arm holding me there. "I know you can raise the baby by yourself but not right now Y/n you don't have a job you don't have any family just stay we can work this out"

"Spencer im leaving. I don't care what you have to stay." I walk over to the door. "Y/n stop"

"No! And you're not going to be apart of my baby's life so fuck you" I yell before leaving and getting into my car. I hear him call my names a couple of times but I ignore it.


I hold my baby in my arms. I just gave birth. He's so beautiful. I look up at my best friend who was here with me. "So what are you going to name him?" Phill asks. "Not sure yet." I look at my son. Wow. I just gave birth.

The nurse comes in informing me that I have to breast feed. I was scared for this, i've heard that it hurts. My baby was born almost ten minutes ago.

He attached to my boob and sucks lightly. It slightly hurts but not to much. I look down at the small baby in my arms and smile. I look over to Phill who was smiling over to me and the baby.

Suddenly Spencer walks in. "Spencer what are you doing here?" I ask quietly, I don't want to wake up the baby. "I knew you're were going to be here giving birth today, Im here because that's my child." "How did you know I would be here?" I ask Spencer. "Well statistically" he starts, the baby then starts crying shutting up Spencer. I look down at him and try to get him to stop crying i'm not sure how to, first time mom things. Phill already walked out figuring we needed privacy

"Can I hold him?" Spencer asks looking at the baby. I nod and he gets him. "I'm assuming you haven't picked a name" he says looking down at the small boy in his arms. "Yeah I haven't".

"Y/n" Spencer says softly. I look up at him. "Yes?"

"I'm sorry" he says while rocking the baby in his arms. "It's whatever Spencer" I slightly smile. It was a fake smile but he's with his kid right now. I don't want to ruin it. There's a few moments of silence. "I love you" Spencer says to me.

"I- I love you too" I reply hesitantly. He smiles softly. He sits in a chair next to me and holds my hand holding our baby in his other. "What should we name him?"

Spencer looks up at me. "We?" he asks. "Yes we. He's you're baby too" I reply. "Does that mean we're going to get back together?" he says.

I think for a second. I still love him but that doesn't change the fact he cheated. But we do have a kid together. "Maybe." I said to him.

He nodded. "I love you and our baby" he says.

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