Author's note.

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So, I have noticed that this book is starting to get a few more readers, thank you all so much, but I also wanted to admit that I have just published another one. It's called Victim to Criminal Minds: The Mass Murders of the Mojave Desert. The whole thing was published at once. I wrote it a little differently from this one but, I would also love your feedback. I am thinking about publishing a few short stories like this one but I want to know what you guys would prefer? I can do it from a few different points of view. I could even do one from the killer's point of view. I have an idea for my next book and I am really excited about it but it would be nice to hear what you like or don't like. I wrote this book a little differently with the alternating chapters from different points of view but if you guys liked it I could do something similar again. Please, I am open to anything.

Anyway, thank you again and please, stay safe and healthy.

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