Ania POV.

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I'm fighting to get you out of my head but I'm holding onto every word that you ever said.

The lights still shone on and so I walked into the house with a slight laugh and a smile. Ready to tell my father of his silliness. I was 18 years old and had spent my life doing my own thing, responsibly, and yet still he had to make sure I returned safely. The door was still unlocked, as expected, and so I turned and locked it behind me. Just to save him time later so he could catch even a second more sleep than if I had not.

"Dad. I told you that I wouldn't drink and I didn't but I can't say the same thing about the others." I had to stop as my shoes struggled to come off but after a thorough tug, they came off and I walked into the living room. Eyes glossy and happy as I gave some of my happiest thoughts the main priority.

Only, when I entered my body was tugged and I fell to the floor with a thud. Mum and dad sat on two of our dinning room chairs and Matt sat on the floor, all the way on the other side of the room. Tears fell from all of their eyes as they watched me and I had the opportunity to see marks and blood all over the floor and them.

I was flipped onto my back and something was put into my mouth. It tasted like the washing powder and softener we used and so I knew it had to be one of ours. My back crushed against the ground as I felt hands run across me. My dad trying to shout and be what he wanted to be but he couldn't. My eyes kept to his and his kept to mine. Neither of us seeing what was happening to me as tears welled up and I lost a proper view due to the blur. It was all so quick but in a moment my body ached and I wanted to have it all over. Even if it meant death.

After what felt like an age it stopped. My body was left to rest but my eyes stung as tears fell still and my father lost his mind. Trying to break free but none of us could do anything to stop it.

My body was pulled at again and I was placed on the last dinning chair. Tape and rope all the way around me as he kept me in place. Then Matt went first as he was brought to the centre of the room and then with a swift blow he was knocked to the ground. Still very alive but then a swooping hand fell and the knife was seen, piercing out of his chest and I moved with all of my strength. Nothing more was done though as I was too weak.

Mum and dad were left in their chairs. A knife fell into mum and she was beaten a little before finally he took the last blow. Killing her and my eyes shut as if on instinct. Trying to protect me. The muffled sound of dad breaking made more tears fall as he had to suffer through it all. Blaming himself because that man always did. Even when I grazed my knee he took it upon himself. A man with a heart of pure gold.

Then it was him. Over and over, the knife and his fists fell. Dad took it but when he could hear me and see me his eyes filled and I tried to stop reacting but it hurt. A man who was so kind and so giving was just another victim. Like life was something to have taken away by a psychotic mad man like he was.

I watched as the life drained from his eyes. Red had rimmed them and salt water had filled them as he fell into an eternal silence. Something that would hurt above all that man had done to me and what I would have to deal with.

To my surprise the knife was dropped and the gloves pulled up higher as he walked up to me. His body hit my mind as I noticed the slight limp, the auburn hair and black eyes that swam with anger. A bitterness of the soul and spirit. His face falling closer to mine as he bit my lip that stuck out due to the fabric in my mouth. Then the ties were cut loose and I was laid with my brother. Where he hurt me further. This time I had no father to keep contact with and with a might I held back the sobs as it happened again for the second time in the night.

After a long while his hands fell to my neck and my mind thanked him for it. The pains would go and the images would leave me when I left the world and if there was something after life, I would see them all again. And we would be together, as we should be at all times. His fingers growing to be stronger as he pushed further until the dark surrounded me and in a second my mind went blank. No flashing before me eyes or light. Just black.

When finally I had awoken my throat hurt so bad that I held it with my hand that also ached. It was in a rather uncomfortable position after all and my body ached. Particularly my lower half. When I had the guts to look down I saw that my trousers were on me once again and the carpet beneath me grew to be a little cozier. Only, I had to so something. My eyes may have seen my jeans but they also saw the blood and memories that had been made. Tears forming before falling again.

Finding some unknown strength my hands pushed up and I managed to crawl to the side of the room. I kept eager eyes out for any movement in case he had never left but I saw none so I powered on to find my phone that I must have dropped on the floor at one point.

911 what's your emergency?

I need an ambulance. Please. No, I don't. They're dead. Please help me.

Ma'am, please stay calm and take deep breaths. I need to know what you can tell me.

Just come quick please. Wait, I hear something. I have to go.

Fear sketched its way up my spine and I hung up as was promised. No amount of persuasion could have stopped me as I crawled back and laid down on the floor once again. Hoping to stop the pain that was in my body. Tears falling and hands cupping my legs as I laid there still. Tears falling and running into my hair as I waited for help to arrive.

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