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Never let the pain from your past punish your present and paralyze your future.

Belts hit the wooden table as the team all stormed back into the room and sighed. Wiping their faces with hands and the sleeves of jumpers as they had to face up to the girl they were supposed to be there for and solving the crime and yet they couldn't. Not for a moment as they fell down the common roads that had formed due to some lonely soul who wanted to get some attention.

"We just waisted hours of our time following some dud cause that gave us nothing but a massive pain because Strauss will be demanding some sort of formal explanation and answers. Not that I can give her any." Hotch commented as he looked back at the board and tried to connect some more dots from all of the provided facts.

"Reid and Prentiss did Ania give you any more on the unsub? Description or what happened. So far I have that she ate cereal and went out at one point to see friends. Which has been corroborated by three of them. All saying that she was at the house until the early hours but they couldn't give specifics as she left when they were too drunk to remember properly." But as Hotch waited for a response to his question a face caught his eye and he walked right up to the glass door and glances were sent between the team as a whole.

"Peterson and Lee. Why aren't you at the hospital? I thought you were there for your whole shift." They had begun to carry on with other work so had to really think about what he was talking about but in a moment Lee responded to answer him.

"The doctors have discharged her so we left. We were led to believe that you knew. Or would know." As he spoke the pair started to walk off but Hotch was quick to catch up with them and they faced him face to face.

"Where did she go?" They both looked at the other and shrugged. Not sure and not paying attention for long enough to see where she had gone. Food and the cases that would be coming in filled their minds for an awfully long while.

Hotch walked back to the group and slammed his fist down onto the desk. The other hand holding the case file still as he furiously moved and acted out on what he could reach. The team stayed quiet as they were left to watch on and wait for what had happened.

"She's gone. They let her go with no hesitation and no clue what direction she went. We have to find her before he does. Or she does." The team moved almost immediately as they got ready to leave and find her. A sense of emergency seemed an understatement as they moved so quickly that the room was left in under a minute. An APB was put out and soon they were driving around recklessly.

The night had begun and the team seemed to have lost hope as they moved through the traffic and into more roads that led to nowhere in particular. Until Hotch found his phone vibrating and Rossi clicked the answer button whilst also putting it onto speaker for them both to hear.

"We have found her. A woman matching her facial and physical description was seen on the road to the Skyway bridge. It was called in by a member of the public as she looked like she was doing something to herself." The caller fell silent whilst waiting for them to respond and tell him what to do.

"All right thanks. We will head up there now and no need for backup." As soon as this was said the car spun in a U-turn and sirens hit on. Eyes had thinned onto the road as they followed signs until the bridge was seen and her body was near the edge. The rest of the team were on their way but Rossi knew they couldn't wait so he climbed out once the car was pulled onto the side of the road.

Slow and gradual steps were used by Rossi. He was so careful not to make her jump and slip or for her to push and go still. The sirens would have told those in the vicinity of their presence so she would know and that gave him an advantage.

"Ania. It's me Rossi." He was trying to trigger some sort of memory but her blank face made him see that she was in her own head. The worst thing for her to do and the worst place for her to be. Hotch took a position beside him as they got to the same sort of point.

"Ania. We just want to talk." A shift moved her closer to the edge as she stared out. Possibly not even able to hear them as she consumed her own thought so forcefully. But that wasn't going to stop Rossi from trying to stop her.

"Please don't come any closer." She was pleading and a hand stretched out to stop Hotch from walking by his side as the girl was walked to. Hair moving in the wind of the cars. Making her neck visible and all of her hairs stood on end.

"What does this do? If you do this then all of those memories you have will be lost. Your future children will never know what they were like. What about your friends? Andy, Kate and Tilly. We spoke to them and they told us that they love you. That it wasn't fair that you got hurt like this. Ania, we need to know what he looked like so that we can find him and no more families can get hurt." With every sentence the sound of steps could be heard if enough attention was being paid but attention was the one thing that Ania couldn't give. She was too caught up elsewhere.

Tears began to fall and soon Rossi was at her side almost. A few more steps were had but as he got to be close enough to her for his arms to reach her she shifted across and further forward. To stop him from reaching her. Like she couldn't stand the thought of his help.

"I told you not to come any closer." She harshly told him and he sucked in his lower lip just as a way of giving it some thought and then he spoke to her for a moment. Trying to soothe her slightly.

"What if I came and sat next to you? I can't pull you or I will fall. We can talk and you can tell me about your family. Anything you want and you don't even have to describe the man that did this. Just tell me all of your thoughts." She seemed apprehensive but with a side glance she nodded and let him. His back was dragged against the metal and he sat upright against it. As far from the edge as he could get whilst also being close to her still.

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