Ania POV.

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Take my word for it, the saddest thing under the sky is a soul incapable of sadness.

Sweaty palms and crossed fingers I waited until some sort of indication was given to tell me when I would be required to do the hardest thing of my life or rather the second. All I could see was that blonde hair, fitted jaw and nose. My reflection was of my very own mother. It wasn't mine.

"Ania. It's time." Fingers ran up and down my face as I slowly psyched myself up and then standing to do the most important thing that I could for the team and also for future victims as they were sitting ducks for victimisation.

Armed men and woman surrounded the walls and my person as the double doors pushed open, allowing me to walk on through as flashing lights and shouting people became visible and also audible as the podium became a closer object. As soon as I was at the microphone though their voices silenced and the paper in my hand was placed down for my shaking hands to rest. One on my stomach as well as stopping the constant shaking preventing the unintelligible writing from moving even more as the squiggles danced in my view.

"I am Ania Aman. Two months ago I walked in on a home invasion. My home invasion where I was not only attacked but also saw things that will stick with me until I die. But today I am not here to tell you what happened. I am here to tell you that he is still out there. He killed my parents and my little brother with no hesitation. All I ask is if you recognise this man, that you call the number provided. He is dangerous with no signs of regret. So far he has killed 12 families and I am the only survivor so far. If you know him or if you are watching. Please hand yourself in." As I had said this a blast of questions hit me and I was in such a haze that I froze until a guiding hand met mine and then brought me to my senses and back to the safety of the police station.

"Do you promise that he can't hurt me?" As I asked this the hand on my back fell and I stretched out my back. Hoping to relieve stress or something along those lines as people worked around me.

"He can't." Rossi had responded and that kept me a little calm but swiftly they all told me the exact same thing so I relaxed and picked up my phone. All of my social medias were filled with notifications. Some had support. Most of those recieving loving texts back but some stories spread of the 'truth' and it was clear that the team could see my discomfort as they suggested that I return. A member of the team with me as usual.

"If you wait up here with the team then I will drive the car around and come get you in a minute. We can play some games. Paint nails and talk. You have a baby to get ready for." For the first time I smiled and relaxed for a moment before noticing my body on the news in the room.

"Only if we eat the ice cream in the freezer." Was my response as dark, almost black hair walked away from me and for a split second before she turned to face and wink at me. Nearly tripping into the man who was crossing behind her.

True to her word a minute passed and she was at the lift doors. Waving me over and then I walked over to her. Waving off Derek and Spencer as I did so. Also a hint of a goodbye to Rossi and Hotch. Both giving a satisfied smile before getting back to their computers and working more. Some typing sounds being made by the pair.

"What is your favourite movie?" Emily asked as we got to the car and I climbed in. Buckling up and then moving a hand to my stomach as a soothing move to help with small cramps that were beginning.

"I don't really watch movies but I do enjoy watching the fails. I mean, when crime goes wrong or when a person falls over. To be honest, when I can't sleep or don't want to talk to people I just watch people who fall over." Emily nodded and seemed to agree with what I said.

"That's a small thing I enjoy. I mean, if I see one of those videos online then I watch it for ages. Such a bad procrastinator but what else could I possibly do in my job?" As she spoke I smiled. Clearly she was mocking me and also herself.

Just as I began to laugh though a scream was heard and Emily slammed the breaks on. Airbags flew into the space around us and my eyes blanked in and also out. For split seconds I could see and then I was basically doing a headstand. My arms flying around and my eyes closed again. Just as I was about to make a noise and scream. A hand clutched mine that I recognised. It felt like pumice and though I had felt many hands since then it was undeniable. Until my eyes flicked open for a split second and there he was stood by me. He seemed to have been there for a long while as he had been doing something. The dust settled already so clearly I was a little spaced out for a long while. As the sirens hit my ears though he ran, giving up on his aim. Not before a knife was sent into my arm and I wanted to scream. Something seemed to have been stopping me.

"Ania. Are you there?" It was a man that I knew from the BAU and I closed my eyes. Hopes of nothing happening to Emily struck me until finally I saw she was stood in front of the car. Talking with the rest of the team. Aside from Derek as he hoped to speak to me.

"Help." Was breathed out and then his loud voice hit my ears. He was shouting for a medic as I finally had responded to them. Once again, clearly I had been out for longer than I realised but the ache in my arm where a warm fluid covered me. It was my left arm so he wouldn't be able to see it.

"It was him. That man and he stabbed me." I was so breathless that I wasn't sure what I had said but he clearly knew what I had meant as he agreed with me and tried to help me without hurting me all over again.

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