Ania POV.

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You're either on my side, by my side or in my way but it doesn't matter as long as you get out of my way and let me do me.

My tears mingled as his voice filled my ears. Acting as if I didn't hear him made my life worse. I could be alone without him sat at my side. Though he was sat behind me so his grip would be loose and he would fall with me. A man doing a job like his would have to be smart enough to not do that.

"What are you thinking about?" His words brought me out of my reverie. His voice was a kind one that matched his face as he spoke to me. Kind words had left his mouth and I felt like I trusted him. Just as I trusted him the day before. Though I knew that not a single word he said could stop me.

"What happened. All I can think about is what has happened. We never hurt anyone. We didn't even fight much. The last argument we had was over the fact that I didn't like the graduation picture that mum had on the mantle piece." My hand was lifted and I wiped away my tears. Hoping to stop the sting that enveloped my eyes.

"What happened? Haven't you heard that sharing the load lightens the load?" I gave a smile at the silly wordplay and thought of my father. A man who was always doing that. A man filled with dad jokes that drove us all up the wall.

"I walked in at about half three four. I saw the lights on and knew dad had waited up for me. He was like this and has been since I was born. His brother was killed on a night out so it was always a just in case but I loved him for it. I walked into the front room to show that I was safe and sober. Also to hug him in a goodnight and then when I walked in I was pulled into the centre. You know, when I close my eyes I swear that he is doing it again. My dad and mum sat to my right. When I was laid down. Matty sat on the other side. Alone. After he was done with me I was put into the last dinning chair that he had brought through and Matty was untied. My hands were all taped. And legs. Matty was first. One knife. Then he was left. Mum and dad next. But they stayed in their chairs. Mum then dad. All the while I kept my eyes on dad. I was a daddy's girl. Then he untied me and did it again. His eyes were black. Like, dark black and his hair was auburn and he had a limp. I knew that. He wore gloves and I had some fabric placed in my mouth. It was gone when I woke up. He was a little man. I mean, scrawny. I don't know how he got dad to sit and be tied up."

Dots connected in my head and the scene had taken over me. So had cries as I took regular breaks to take a deep breath and breathe. Not that I could do that all too well. My throat sore from all the cold air and cries. That was when I heard a metal clicking sound and I turned to see him properly but I couldn't see a reason for the sound so I looked forward again.

"His hands were rough. Like pumice." As I closed my eyes to try and remember more I couldn't take it and with a swift movement I pushed on. Taking that full and final push to slip over the edge and my hands flew up. My right wrist began to ache and the wind had slowed. My hair falling back around me and the same clicking sound was heard. My body dangled in the air but as I looked up I saw that my wrist had a metal bracelet. He had used handcuffs to stop me in the air.

Slowly and painfully I was pulled up. Another man helped me as he seemed to emerge from the dark abyss around us. His tall height and dark hair was a clear identifier and my eyes took him in again. Not for long though as I watched the man still connected to me untie his tie from around his waist and place it in his pocket. The entire conversation was used to save me and if it wasn't for both of them holding onto my wrists I would have tried again. I couldn't kill them. They had families.

"NO!" I sobbed as we walked to the dark car that was close by. The sirens still going and multiple cars had arrived and people watched on. All wearing the belts that Rossi and Hotch had been wearing for the time I had been speaking to them.

When we got to the cars I was let out from the metal and tried to run but a strong body stopped me and I hit it face first. Tears wetting the material beneath my face as this happened. His arms were strong and I was weak. No strength could be found and soon my body was being directed or rather pushed into one of the cars. It wasn't the one with Rossi in but rather one with the man who had caught me and another male. The one from the hospital.

"Hey Ania. It was mentioned a picture of your last argument, or you had an argument about some sort of picture. Where exactly was it?" The man with brown hair asked and faced me. His eyes glistening with intrigue.

"The centre of the mantle piece. Next to Matty's school picture." His lips perked up and he called one of the other members. No introduction was given as he spoke directly to them.

"The picture was supposed to be right next to one of her brother. I am looking at the photo right now. I see, all right bye." He hung up and no more words left any of us on the matter but when I peaked on them I saw that the picture of the mantle piece showed no sign of my graduation photo and so I had to give it a deeper thought.

When I felt the car stop I climbed out and took the bag that the driver of the car offered to me. My bag had been picked up for me and then we walked in or I was basically manhandled in but it wasn't bad just arms around my back and if I tried to run ahead they would capture me. Gentle but I knew what was expected of the team.

"You have to wait in here now." I was shown into one of the rooms but as I stared on out I saw a board in use. It was covered in photos of my house as it was when I left it last and my mind ached to see my old home. With my parents and my brother.

"Ania." It was that voice again and I refused to look at him. My anger was seeping from every pore and he was being given the silent treatment. That was all I could do to take out my aggression without getting in trouble for assault.

"Hey Ania." Another voice spoke. The brunette from before had entered and the other man, Rossi had left us to it. Another man entered as well.

"I am Derek Morgan. We just want to ask a favour of you. You see, we need to know what happened so do you mind helping? I mean, you don't have to be the one to be you. We can get JJ or Emily to be but we need to see exactly what happened." I tilted my head in thought and responded.

"Only if neither of them are in the same room."

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