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"No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness is always there first." - Terry Pratchett

No matter the occasion, safety was always found but for who was safe varied. Blanking and mindlessness seemed to be a gift as anesthesia took hold of her body. Tears rolled on no more as she was numbed and left to sleep. It didn't last long though as slowly the heart rate picked up and groggy eyes spread into an open position.

"Hey Ania." A soft, melodic voice carried. Scared of frightening her, or something similar as the soft tone drifted like a lost child through crowds of people. As a sort of cautious and uncertain smile also left.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Airy and distant hands fell to something in the air. Penelope tried to calm her but as this happened Ania pulled back and moved her hands around. As if feeling something around her in an oval shape. Then it moved to circles as if some air was visible.

"Tell you what?" Penelope had been interrupted as she went to speak also but Rossi butted in and asked what was on most of their minds. Figuring out if she had any recollection of what had happened.

"That, hahahaha I am a bender." Her hands moved still and a few smiles started. She was talking of some mysterious thing but they weren't sure if she was just coming out to them.

"I am the last air bender." Her voice was so low that it was a type of grumble with smiles all over. Eyes all glassy and smile plastered so thick it was like a 12 year old doing makeup for the first time ever. Fake beyond belief and the orange tint didn't help her cause.

"All right Ms Aman, just a quick question. How are you feeling?" As this was asked the few who were in the room watched and waited for the response that was bound to occur. Surely it happened after a few odd seconds.

"With my hands. Wait, with my new bender powers I might be able to feel with my hair." Eyes strained as her voice stayed stable and flat. Deadly serious as she spoke of her new powers. Hands moved and then a wrist flicked as she tried to do something that was clearly important to her.

"I can see sounds and hear lights. I am inevitable." Had there been a laugh they would have noticed a joke but her bland way of speaking and also absolute bewilderment showed her real belief as the room and clearly air moved around them.

"She obviously hasn't come down. As soon as she does we will tell her what she needs to know and the doctors will be happy for her to leave." The kind nurse told those badged workers as they agreed and watched the show until she slipped back asleep again.

"Careful, my cat might make a rival porno." Was the last thing she muttered before slipping back down to her own mind and closed eyelids. Not that she was with it before.

Time ticked on, people leaving and arriving with a heap of sleep claiming her until the following day as the team began new shifts and some managed to visit unexpectedly. Though her eyes stayed closed for most of it. Until she really was with it. Eyes sprang open and with that her body jerked into a seated position and pillows slipped to accommodate this move.

"How are you feeling?" Sprang forward as hands had kept rubbing eyes as Ania comforted herself and began to swallow her saliva and suck on her lips as the day dragged to a steady morning. Not one that many parties hoped to see though.

"I'm going to be sick." As she was saying it a few gags could be heard and then a sound most vile hit their ears. Fortunately the visiting doctor had reacted in time and a tub was filled. Some apologies were made but the doctor was fine with it. Such things were very common to them.

Nothing else seemed to be said for a while as they all looked on. One doctor waiting to see if a departure was a good idea as she seemed to be relatively with it and put together. Not that the others would have noticed as they hung on to her words. Garcia sat at a laptop and typing had stopped. Derek had been at her side and keeping her company until that point in time.

"Is my baby okay?" Had been spoken so quietly but a flicker of hope was still felt. No matter how bad it got she had a baby to care for and losing that was going to be detrimental to her. Not just mentally but also in a physical capacity.

Garcia had been thinking it but did not want to even know about it until the question was asked and in a blink of an eye tears fell. The silence from the doctor didn't hold much hope for the baby. Her face was one that didn't hold hope anyway.

"I don't know. I didn't know that you were pregnant but someone can come and check if you wish. Don't get me wrong I am not saying anything is wrong but I only just got back on shift properly." Ania seemed to really contemplate it for a second before she was finally able to agree to someone coming to see her and make sure that her baby was well.

After an age of complete silence the room was filled with another body. A doctor walked in and gloves were pulled onto his hand. A flash of fear and also concern wasn't unnoticed but as the doctor slowly crept to her side she seemed to have relaxed a little more. No male having been there in a while and also the added stress of what had just gone down was sure to bog down her mind. His long brown hair was taken in as well as the neck tattoo that was covered well by the shirt and his dark eyes could make any sense become lost. He was dreamy but fear was too heavy in some of their minds for that to happen.

"I shan't be a second. Now, shall we get a feel?" After a second and a hand squeezing the handle beside her the doctor was resurfaced. His face a blank and kind one. That seemed to panic Ania more as he was clearly holding something back. His teeth becoming visible as he did so.
"Good news and bad news I am afraid. The bad news is that the baby is a little further down than hoped so they are most likely going to be a little harder to birth but the good news is that I believe from what I felt all was healthy." Ania had tears welling and as soon as his gloves were removed her arms wrapped around him. A hug so tight he audibly grunted at the sudden pressure.

Victim to Criminal Minds: The Family Massacre.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें