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A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child.

As a pair of women walked, climbing countless pairs of steps and then crossing floors a slight hint or pure and unadulterated trepidation was seen. Hands were visibly shaking and large lips were bitten at a rapid rate. Until the bottom of the steps when they slowed because Ania decided to mention something to her.

"Garcia. I um, you see, this man that hurt me, he is the only person who could be the father." A large hand hit and surrounded the little one as this was said and a tight smile was given. Silent support had been exactly what was needed at that point as they met the top of the steps leading to the office.

A hand lifted and fell to the desk with voices raised so loud that it was heard from the base of the steps up to the hall. Though their words were inaudible to those on the outside, with the exception of a few singular words spoken with particular conviction at a moment of passion.

"She has the right to say no." A greying man told them all but only a blonde female was on his side as Rossi told them exactly how he felt. Though they had few who agreed there was a chance that he and JJ would have the last word as it was purely down to an unfortunate girl. She was only 18 years old. But she was nearly 19 and they all hoped that her young age would keep her able to bounce back well but also old enough to cope properly.

Just as feet lifted and fell to the floor again the door was swung open gradually and then two people had emerged. A swift hand slipping the fabric over the glass again and then the muscular man sat again as they waited for what was so important to be spoken but it appeared that neither wished to start it.

"What is it Garcia?" Hotch spoke calmly but also with a hint of uncertainty and no patience for the rather unexpected intrusion into the conversation that had been occuring between all of them. Two months, a case that brought more bodies per weekend and for the team it was frustrating to say the very least as multiple loops had to be travelled just to achieve all that they could.

"Our shining star here has something to say and I have a feeling that you all should listen closely." As Garcia said this Ania dropped her hand that had been busy playing with her bottom lip that was in and out of her mouth constantly.

"Um, you see, I am um, pregnant." Pens slowly found a place on the table below and then eyes all darted to Hotch as he took the details in and then realisation struck across his features. Only, Prentiss interrupted the silence.

"You had a secret. You weren't being completely open and honest with us. That's why you went to see your doctor yesterday." The lip biting began again and in an instant blood began to fall as she had been so bad at covering up her anxiety towards the matter and how they made her feel.

"Is this why you wouldn't do the press conference? If so, you should know that with us you are in safe hands and shouldn't be scared of a thing. We can be your protection." Rossi spoke blankly and also with so much conviction that it had Ania confused but the others seemed used to it. Though the silence that met him stopped that line. A stubborn girl.

"We will have you under constant protection and also total surveillance until he is found." This was so convincing but still she was terrified. The baby was a new factor. It wasn't just her life that would be in harm's way.

"Only if my pregnancy is kept a secret." Overall came nods but two knew that their opinions meant as little to her as birds meant to the sun. Whether the birds were there or not the sun would still carry on. It had angered them more than expected but most of all it was seen as they licked their gums and raised their eyebrows.

After only ten minutes and a piece of paper the girl was holding a pencil and doodling over paper as the news was called and a conference was set up to run in a moments notice. An unknown outcome would have to follow. Uncertainty was felt by those who had involved themselves as to how the killer would take it. A man as unhinged as him would surely have a lot wrong with him.

"Dr Reid. Can I ask you a question?" His hair flew to the edges of their potential as he swung his head for a formal conversation. Turning again to write on the glass a little more. The team realising that she had been the one to tell them all they knew and with the risk to her baby she couldn't do anything about it.

"Go for it." His voice was distracted but the slow rate that he worked at showed that it wasn't his work that kept him occupied but his thoughts instead. The view of him being preoccupied hit Ania but that was about it. She had no way of knowing what had his mind so busy.

"You're a smart man right? I mean, you have a lot of knowledge compared to the average person." He was so reluctant to agree but he also knew that he met the criteria that was set our for him.

"I suppose you could say that but you see, it is only perspective and so if you compared me to Ainan Cawley who has an IQ of 263 then no but I suppose that yes I have an above average but I also believe that IQ isn't really a reliable way of recording and telling the intelligence of a human being." He was silent when her eyes glossed over for a second and then she spoke up.

"You knew what I meant. I just want to know if it was possible to really love everyone. My parents had been so keen on telling me that everyone deserves to be loved especially by me but I don't know if I can love this man. He just makes me hurt all over and if I could, I would make him stop. Just vanish into the air."

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