Chapter 44:Saad

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Saad's pov:

I cut the call and looked at Mirha, I could feel my ears warming. I rubbed the back of my neck, standing up, trying my best to normalize myself. This closeness was new for me too. 

"Go and freshen up, Dado must me waiting for us on dinner" I told her, wanting sometime to calm my heart beat. A frown appeared on her forehead, as she stood in front of me.

"Why was uncle so angry with you?" she asked wiping her face, her eyelashes were soaked with her tears, making them curl beautifully. 

"It was just a misunderstanding, everything is fine now." I told her, taking the liberty of touching her eyelashes softly. She stiffened for a second, but then looked up at me with so much trust in her eyes, it clenched my heart. Knowing that she didn't get to show this trust to anyone in her life before me. 

I pulled her back into my chest, not caring about anything at that moment. "Stop looking at me like that, I won't be able to let you go downstairs otherwise" I whispered to her, hearing her shocked gasp from our collision.

I waited for her to pull back, but to my dismay. She stayed still, as if she didn't hear what I had just said, making it even harder to move back.

"Go now" I told her and turned away. I heard Mirha move towards the bathroom, I pulled my cell out and called back Dad's manager.

I talked to him about a deal and ended the call just on time, as Mirha came out of the bathroom. Days had turned busier since I had started helping dad with his bussiness in week days too along with weekends. 

"Let's go?" I held her right hand as I took her downstairs.

The dinner was eaten in good mood, Dado got worried seeing Mirha's hand, but relaxed once I assured her, that it was going to heal in a few days. Dad watched us bother with hawk eyes, as if looking for the truth about whether I had told him the truth or not. 


When Mirha came out of the bathroom in her night suit, she was looking at her injured hand with a pout. Her hair looked messy, with baby hair sticking out in the sides.

"What happened ?" my voice pulled her attention away from her hand. 

"Its hurting" she spoke, still pouting adorably. Adorably? now I have started the most childish thing adorable on her. GREAT.!

I got up and took out a painkiller from the medicine box. I handed it to her with a glass of water, as she sat on the bed. 

She put the pill in her mouth and then quickly held the glass making sour faces, and I wanted to laugh. It was hard to believe that this was the same girl who could make herself bleed by scratching her arms, without a hiss. But, it made me relieved too, she was finally coming out of that frozen, grieve filled numbness where pain didn't hurt her.

I patted her hair down slowly, letting her see my movement, I didn't want to startle her or make her paddle back because of one wrong move. 

"All fine now" I told her and took the glass from her hand, placing it on the table. 

"Let's watch a movie tonight. Do you have any in mind, you would like to watch?" I asked her, being lenient, because of all what happened today.

"Any would be fine" she shrugged, making me raise an eyebrow.

"Its one of the rare times, I am willing to watch a movie of your choice, choose kindly. Otherwise, you will be stuck with another sci-fi movie" I informed her, which made her laugh. 

"I am okay with the sci-fi one too. It's just, I don't enjoy movies like others... so anything would be fine."she shrugged again. 

I started one of my favorite movie and sat on the bed beside her, dimming the lights. As I had expected, Mirha's eyes started going droopy, just after 30 minutes of the movie starting.

"Lay down" I told her softly, arranging her pillow. She fell in a few minutes with her good hand beneath her head and the other one resting on the bed. I switched the movie off, not in the mood of watching it, while she laid beside me changing her expressions ever so slightly with each passing minute.

"Is she really this beautiful?" A whisper came from inside me. "Did it even matter, there wasn't a prettier face which could make my heart skyrocket like she did. There wasn't a beauty who wanted to make me pull her in my arms and never let her go like she did. She was hell and heaven, specially made for me."

I fell asleep, turned toward her. Hoping that these distances I had to keep from her would vanish soon.


Compassion and empathy..... Words we hear everyday, whether it be in books or inspirational lectures. But do people really feel it anymore as they used to? Is empathy making videos of the accident's sight instead of helping the victims? Is compassion just a passing word; Alas! Saddening! , when you can actually help a person? Is empathy treating a person in need badly,just because you know he can't go anywhere else?

Salaam readers! Heres the update❤️

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