Chapter 2

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*Buzz buzz*

You were awoken by the sound of your phone, you never slept with it on silent just in case Tom needed you for something important and in this case he did. Stretching over to your bedside table you checked your phone and the time it 4:30.

You silently groaned in hopes you didn't wake Brett, you had a message from Tom and it read...

*Sorry to wake you but I need you to come in asap*

*The sooner I leave this house the better* You joked as you messaged him back. *See you at 5?* You asked as that was the earliest time you could do.

*5 is perfect see you soon* He responded.

Immediately putting your phone down you snuck out of bed and began to get ready for work. Always trying to impress Tom you grabbed the smartest yet slightly sexiest piece of clothing you owned and threw that on along with some light make-up and slightly wavy hair.

You hoped you'd be able to slip out your room without being stopped by Brett, but it was to late for that as you woke up Brett. He saw how you were dressed and his suspicion grew.

"Where you going dresses like that at this time?" He was very vocal for this early in the morning.

You were just about to walk out the door when he spoke so you quickly turned around to speak to him.

"I'm going to work" You were very blunt with your answer.

"Y/N everything is hanging out, you can see everything! Are you seriously going to work?" For some reason he didn't seem to believe you.

You really couldn't be bothered to deal with Brett's bullshit right now, all you wanted to do was leave but you were curious on what he was accusing you of.

"Yes where else would I be going?"

"Oh I don't know to sneak off to see Tom" He had slight insecurity in his voice.

"Yeah I am, to see him for work. I can't believe you're accusing me of cheating!" You shouted.

"I never said anything of the sort, but if the shoe fits"

"We at least Tom appreciates me!" You began to lose your temper.

"So you are having an affair?" He accused you again.

You scoffed, "Oh yeah very classy of you Brett, Tom has an important meeting today and I needed to dress accordingly" You may of bent the truth slightly.

Brett bit his tongue and rolled his eyes not believing a word that escaped your mouth, but he had every right not to believe you, you were always moments away from sleeping with Tom it's what you've wanted for a while, but that's a secret best kept between you and Tom

"Fuck you Brett!" Grabbing your purse you walked out the bedroom slamming the door behind you in outrage of what you've just been accused of.

You couldn't get out of the house quick enough, Brett has pushed you over the edge far too many times and you were getting sick of him, although your marriage was going down hill you couldn't help but see the positive side of things as it gave you plenty of accuses to leave and go running to Tom.


Like each morning you greeted Susie at the desk and told her to forward any messages to your phone and then you grabbed the remaining paper work from last night as well as Tom's tea and handed it to him as you walked into his office.

Tom was too busy reading an audition script to notice your entrance but when he did, he did a double take and stared at you in awe.

"Wow" He was breath taken by your appearance, clearly you did make an impression on him.

"Like what you see?" You teased him.

"Very much so, you're looking stunning as ever my love" He complimented you.

You blushed a little but you tried your best to hide it.

"Will that be all for you this morning Mr Hiddleston?" Although you've been working for Tom for 15 years you still thought it would be professional to call him Mr Hiddleston.

"Y/N you've been working for me 15 years call me Tom" He corrected you.

You laughed and completely ignored his request,  "Will that be all Mr Hiddleston"

Tom rolled his eyes, "For the moment yes, like always I will call you if I need you"

You smiled and walked out the room returning to your desk to complete any out standing paper work.

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