Chapter 18

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(A/N: Hope you enjoy this slightly longer chapter :))

Your leave so far with Tom has been an absolute bliss, no more worrying about Brett and the divorce, no more being harassed over the phone by Brett, no more sneaking around, it was just you and Tom picking up where you left off almost 12 years ago, you always wondered what would of happened if you turned Brett down and went running back to Tom and now you do.

Tom knew how to treat you right, he took you out for lunch on the days he had available, the nights he had interviews he would order your favourite take out and the nights he was home he would cook dinner for you, Brett never treated you like this it was always you doing things for him but now it was the other way round you felt overwhelmed with emotion.

It was a Thursday evening when you and Tom came home from walking Bobby and apart from the slight stalking from the paparazzi you had a great time.
As soon as you walked into the house Tom let Bobby off of his lead allowing him to roam free and then headed straight to the kitchen to make dinner pulling you along with him.

On your walk Tom knew something was up with you but decided to say nothing as he thought it was all the chaos of being followed by a camera, but when you got home and you still looked like you had something on your mind he knew he had to do something, that's why he pulled you into the kitchen with him.
Once you reached the kitchen Tom walked over to the radio and played with the nozzles to try and find the right station eventually he did and then he proceeded to dance with you.

You laughed ever so slightly, letting go of whatever emotion you felt before. "What are you doing?" You asked.

"We're dancing" Tom replied.

You looked at Tom and smiled as he took your hand and twirled you into his arms. You laughed once again.

"There's that laugh that I love so much" He spoke gently swaying you side to side. "Something is on your mind, what is it?" Tom finally asked.

You felt an uncontrollable amount of feelings surge throughout your body, love, happiness, enjoyment, guilt... You didn't say much but like always your eyes spoke for you. Tears pricking in your eyes Tom drew his hand up to your face and brushed them away from your cheek.

"I'm not use to being treated like this, that's all" You sniffled into his chest as you wrapped your arms around his neck. Tom lifted your chin up and your eyes locked, his beautiful ocean eyes filled yours taking all your worries away, you felt comfortable in his arms, almost safe.

Moving your head back down into his chest resting on it, Tom held you tighter and allowed his body to move to the music with yours.

"Tom?" You whispered to him not wanting to disturb the peace.

"Mhmm" He hummed.

"Thank you for everything you do for me, I love you" You held onto him tighter.

"I love you too" He spoke, placing a soft kiss on your forehead however you bobbed your head up allowing Tom to kiss your lips instead.

Before you knew it your kiss with Tom turned into a hot make out session in the middle of the kitchen, which soon moved over to the kitchen counter.

You didn't hesitate to fuck Tom before so why would you now? You lifted your arms up and almost began begging Tom to take your shirt off like the desperate girl you were. Tom wasn't reluctant what so ever and basically ripped off your shirt, leaving you sitting on the counter half naked in just your underwear.

Tom began to kiss you all over your body.  Starting at your lips, making his way down to your neck, your collar bone, shoulders. He stopped at your chest. You slowly removed you bra strap so he could continue.

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