Chapter 7

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"I'll show you a cheating scum!" You shouted for the last time as you slammed the door shut. Tears of anger streamed down your face.

It began to pour down with rain as you stood like an idiot outside your own house, and so with no car and no coat you began to walk to the only place you could go.


Arriving at his house your rang the door bell repeatedly, you just wanted to go inside you were soaked. You heard the door being unlocked so you quickly wiped away your tears and tried your best to look presentable.

"Y/N?" Tom titled his head in confusion.

You were still in his clothes and your eyes were all red and puffy so that made him more confused.

"He called me a cheating scum"

Tom's jaw dropped, he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"He kicked me out too" You added trying not to cry again.

But Tom saw the look in your eyes, he knew you wasn't okay. He walked over to you and embraced you. A couple of sniffled escaped your nose just before you started crying again.

"Everything is going to be alright" He spoke as he stroked the back of your head trying the calm you down. He let go of the hug and grabbed your bags.

"Come on lets get inside, we're soaking!" He laughed trying to make you feel better.

A slight smile left your lips as you accepted Tom's offer to come inside.

You walked into Tom's house for the second time today and took a seat on his sofa, he told you that he was just about to order some Chinese and that he would be more than happy to order some for you as well, of course you accepted and proceeded to tell him your order. Whilst you waited you decided on showering as you were a mess from all the rain and since you felt like shit you gathered it would be a good idea.

Tom laid out some towels for you and then waited for you downstairs. You weren't in the shower long but by the time you were washed and had you hair all dried dinner had arrived, you quickly chucked on a pair of legging's and one of Tom's tops and made your way downstairs.

Tom was already on the sofa watching TV with all the food waiting for you to come down.

"Hope you don't mind, Brett didn't exactly pack the best clothing" You told Tom referring to the top you were wearing. "You could of eaten you didn't have to wait for me"

"Now what kind of man would I be if I didn't wait for my date" He joked.

"Date? It's only Chinese Tom" You laughed.

"No I know..." He paused for a while thinking about what he was going to say. "Do you want to tell me what happened when you got home then?" He asked uncertainly.

You nodded your head as you stuffed your face with your food. You started off by telling him about Rachel and how you think they did something as Brett lied to you about the whole laptop thing, you spoke about how you told the truth the whole time and that you just missed out the part about the kiss and the fact that you didn't actually have a meeting.

Tom was completely understanding of the whole situation and clearly he was on your side.

"So what made him call you what he did?" He asked as that was one part of the story you missed out.

"When I lie my eyes don't exactly help me" You began to explain. "He asked me if I slept with you and I avoided the question by asking why would I cheat on him, and he knew straight away that I lied as he said that I didn't deny it and my eyes betrayed me" You told him.

"My plan almost worked as most of my story was pretty truthful but he figured me out and he knows we've done something"

"Oh" Was the only word to come out of his mouth.

You laughed nervously. "Yeah and then he kicked me out and I may of shouted I'll show you a cheating scum as I slammed the door"

Tom looked unimpressed.

"What?" You tried to sound innocent.

"Y/N are you sure you want to do this?"

"Tom" You took his hands and placed them in yours. "It's all I want, I've wanted it for the past 12 years, I wished I never broke up with you I'm so sorry will you ever forgive me?" You were really apologetic.

"Darling there's no need to apologise, if I didn't forgive you I wouldn't of kissed you two years ago"

You chuckled, "I suppose so"

"Now how about we get your mind of this whole Brett situation and watch a something?" Tom asked.

"What we watching?" You asked curiously.

"Your favourite" He told you.

"Tom we're not watching the night manager, I can't put you through that" You laughed.

"Have you watched it this month?" He asked as he knew you watched it religiously every month without a doubt.

"No I haven't" You admitted.

"Well then" Tom got up out of his seat and proceeded to the kitchen to get drinks and snacks, when he returned he grabbed a blanket and let you lay in his arms as you watched TV together.

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