Alternate ending!

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(A/N: I'm going to try and write this all in one chapter so apologies if it is a lot)

Waking in the safety of Tom's arm felt like an absolute bliss, it was just you and him, no one else, you felt like a queen- needless to say Tom treated you like one- You groaned as the sound of the on-going traffic woke you up, embracing Tom that tiniest bit tighter so you couldn't leave the state of comfort you were in.

Tom shook you gentle to wake you up completely. "Come on darling, we've got a big day a head of us" He reminded you.

You threw your arm around Tom's chest and grabbed on to him even more than before. "Just five more minutes!" You groaned as you slid slowly back under the covers trying to hide away from the light.

"Not today" Tom spoke as he pulled the covers from over you.

You winced at the sight of the beaming sun in your room. "At least get black out blinds then" You laughed. "I can't stand sunlight in the morning"

"Well I liked the sunlight in the morning, so you're going to have to deal with it" He had confidence in his voice.

You sat up straight and straddled Tom's waist, you could already feel his cock twitching beneath you. "Are you challenging me Hiddleston?" You asked as you lips met his.

Tom's hands tightened around your waist as he pulled you into the kiss further. Your body grinded against him slightly gaining a deep sigh from Tom.

"What if I was?" His eyes widened.

You removed yourself from Tom's hip and bed as you walked towards his master bathroom and leant in the doorway.

"Why don't you joined me and find out" You batted your eyelids at him and bit your lip.

Tom launched out of bed and ran over to you, he swept you off the floor and placed you around his hips, kissing you and he did so. He turned the water on letting it run slightly before he got in and slammed you against the wall letting the water fall down your body.

Squealing as Tom picked you up, your hands began to ruffle with his hair pulling it every so often.

"So this is your plan... to fuck me in the shower" You panted between sentences. You ran your nails down Tom's back. "I like this plan, maybe you should challenge me more of-"

Tom silenced your blabbering by kissing you again, parting your lips with his tongue as he swiped over your mouth in soft motions. A quiet moan left your lips as Tom silenced you once more. He moved his hands down to your waist and placed you back on the shower floor.

"Yeah maybe I should challenge you more often" He walked out of the shower grabbing a towel from the rail on the way out.

Your previous moans turned into a groans. "What why?!"

"Delayed gratification darling" Tom shouted from the bedroom.

"Don't you have to actually do something to me before that can happen?" You retorted.

"I mean just question how much is the wetness between your thighs actually from the shower" Tom answered back.

You went to speak but nothing came out, instead you sighed and went back to showering alone.


Hoping out off the shower with your hair and make-up done as well you walked back into your bedroom.

"Don't think you're forgiven for that stunt you just-"

Tom turned around and looked at you. "Woah" You were speechless.

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