Chapter 11

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"Y/N I've been thinking..." Those words couldn't of made you feel more nervous.

"About the fact we slept together and never spoke about it again?" You laughed at the awkwardness of the situation.

"Well... yes. Y/N I want to be with you and I hope you want to me with me-"

"I do, I do want to be with you, it's just that with Brett I have to be careful"

"I know, I know, At least let me take you out on a date tonight to celebrate your birthday I'm sure you wouldn't want to celebrate with Brett any ways" That last sentence sounded a bit cocky.

"He forgot" You muttered under your breath.

"He forgot! Y/N you have to leave him!"

"And I am, tonight I'm going home and telling him I want a divorce and then me and you can finally be together, no sneaking around"

Tom's face lit up when he realised you wanted him just as much as he wanted you. "Well dinner reservations are at 7, so I'll let you leave early so you can talk to Brett"

"Enough about that wanker, where are you taking your ever so beautiful girlfriend for her birthday" You walked over to Tom and hugged him.

"That's a secret, you'll find out when we get there"

"You're no fun! At least tell me what to wear?" You asked.

Tom had a huge smirk on his face, you could clearly tell what he was thinking. "Thomas Hiddleston!"

"You look beautiful in what your wearing now, even the necklace brings out the colour in those gorgeous eyes"

You blushed, "It really is a beautiful necklace, thank you" You kissed each other once again.

"Will that be all Mr Hiddleston?" You could hear Susie approaching the office.

"Ring the people at Gucci and give them my measurements"

Susie was now in the room, "Certainly sir" You walked away.

"Oh and Y/N have a good birthday!" Tom said with a wink and a smile.

Susie looked at you both and rolled her eyes she already knew you were having an affair and had no idea why you were trying to hide something from her that she already knew about.


Your day went by pretty quickly, Tom didn't really give you much to do today but he did take you out for breakfast at cute little French café down the road from where you worked and you just got back from eating lunch with him at the new bar that opened a couple of streets down.

Apart from Brett forgetting your birthday so far turning 30 was amazing. It was around 3 in the afternoon and you were about to ask Tom if you could go home for the day so you could get ready for your date but he called you in to his office.

"Oh I was just about to ask if I could go for the day" You spoke as you walked in.

"I need you to pick up some dry cleaning I completely forgot about it" He told you.

Dry cleaning? You thought to yourself, he never does dry cleaning, what was he doing?

"Dry cleaning? Alright anything else?"

"No, just the dry cleaning but do me a favour and take it home with you I can't deal with having Bobby's hair all over it"

You laughed, "Alright well I'm going to get going and I'll meet you back her at 6:30?"

"6:30 is fine, I look forward to seeing you" He smiled.

You were about to walk out of his office but you couldn't leave without giving him a kiss, you turned around run up to him and planted a kiss of his lips, Tom lingered longer than expected and clearly didn't want to let you go and you liked that he did that.

"Tom I really need to go" You gave him your puppy dog eyes in hopes he would release you from the hug.

"If you must" He looked sad. "Just don't be late for dinner!" He shouted as you walked out of his office.

"I won't!" You shouted back at him and made your way out of the office to the dry cleaners.


You arrived at the dry cleaners and picked Tom's clothing up but to your surprise it wasn't a suit or any of his clothes it was a dress, a black sparkly dress.

"Did ummm, Mr Hiddleston say who this was for?" You asked the dry cleaner.

"There's a note in there my dear" He replied.

You must admit you were rather jealous of whoever the dress was for, it was beautiful, 100% something you would wear and it practically screamed your name.

When you got home there was no sign of Brett so you rushed upstairs and took a sneaky look of the dress and read the note that came with it.

When you got home there was no sign of Brett so you rushed upstairs and took a sneaky look of the dress and read the note that came with it

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You unzipped the bag and saw the dress and the note which read...

"My darling Y/N, I took the opportunity to chose your clothing for tonight, please do me the honour and wear this beautiful gown as well as the necklace you received this morning. I can't wait to see you in it... Tom x"

Woah, the dress was for you. It was amazing, you couldn't believe Tom had gone through all this trouble just for your birthday, first of all with your favourite book and then the necklace, taking you out for breakfast, lunch and dinner and now this, your birthday couldn't get any better.

When you got home it was around 4:30 so you decided to get ready for your date/ birthday celebrations with Tom. You hoped in the shower washed your hair and of course shaved as you can't be having hairy legs in a wonderful dress like that, you then proceeded to dry and style your hair and applied some light make-up as well.

To finish off you slipped into the dress added Tom's necklace and some nice earrings and matched it with some black heels and headed down stairs and waited to leave.

"Oh your home" Brett spoke as you walked down the stairs, he hadn't noticed what you were wearing you.

"Yes I am" You continued to walk down the stairs.

"Wow, Y/N you look..."

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