Chapter 12

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Brett was breath taken he couldn't believe his eyes. "Wow" He spoke.

You didn't say anything you just gave him a death stare. "Where are you going dressed liked that? and where did you get that necklace?" He clearly did forget your birthday, making Brett officially the worst husband ever.

"I'm going out with work to celebrate" You told him, he didn't need to know who you meant by 'work'

"Celebrate what?"

"Oh I don't know Brett. My 30th birthday!" You finally snapped.

"That's not today"

"Yes it is Brett, look at the calendar. It says it right there, Y/N's birthday"

He looked incredibly guilty. "I can't believe you fucking forgot!"

"You're going out with Tom aren't you"

You scoffed. "How is this now about him, you forgot my birthday not him!"

"I suppose he got you that necklace as well, why am I not surprised" He turned the whole situation around on you and Tom.

"Are you seriously... Brett listen to yourself you're obsessed!

"What did you do? Run to him crying about me forgetting and he brought some fancy diamond necklace to make you forget!"

"Well at least he didn't forget!"

"I bet your still sleeping with him aren't you"

"Nothing has happened in 3 months, come on Brett stop being an ass"

"An ass? I'll stop being an ass when you stop lying to me!"

"An I'll stop lying to you when you admit your screwing Rachel!" You shouted in his face.

His silence filled the room, "No. no come back? I feel sorry for you Brett I really do"

"When I'm home tomorrow I want you out of this house and I want a divorce!" You shouted.

"No" He answered.

"No? This isn't up for discussion we're getting a divorce!" You couldn't believe what you were hearing.

"The hell we're not! Your my wife!" He raised his hand.

You flinched, as if he was about to hit you.

"Fuck you Brett! I wish I never married you" You tried your best not to tear up.

"Well you did, whose fault is that?!"

"You forgot my birthday you ignorant son of a bitch!" You pulled your wedding ring off your finger and threw it in his face.

"Don't want to move out or get a divorce? Fine. I'll move out I can't spend another minute with you!"

"Good" He replied.

"Great, I'm glad we agree on something!"

Brett laughed at you, "Go to hell Brett!" You grabbed your bag and keys and walked out.


You got in the car which was still on your drive way and screamed your head off, you needed to let out all this anger before you met up with Tom as after all he went through all this trouble to celebrate with you and you can't let one man ruin your day.

Once you calmed yourself down and touched up your make-up you made your way to work to meet Tom. You were a bit early but Tom wouldn't mind if you waited in his office.

10 minutes past and he finally walked in.

"I'll be with you in just a..." He turned around as he noticed you.

You smiled, "Hi"

"Y/N you look..." He was speechless.

"Sorry I'm early"

"No don't apologise, I was behind schedule I should be apologising. Let me get changed and we can go" He told you.

"Going to tell me where we're going yet?" You though you'd try your luck and ask again.

"Nope, just wait and see" He smirked.

"By the way, I told Brett about the divorce and he said no so I said I'm moving out, don't suppose you have a room free do you?" You asked nervously.

"I suppose. My bed was getting a little cold with out you"

You laughed, "Well we don't need to sneak around anymore" You showed him your hand and pointed at your finger.

"I'm a free women"

Tom walked over to you half dressed, "Y/N are you sure you're alright?"

"Apart from the fact he was going to hit me? Yeah I'm fine"

Tom looked worried for you, "He was going to hit you?"

"He didn't but he raised his hand, I'm fine though glad to be rid of him and I'm even more glad I'm with you" You reassured him.

"Come on don't want to be later do we?" You asked.

"Go wait outside and I'll be right out"

You smiled at him and walked out the office.

You didn't have to wait long for him as he was half dressed already, Tom walked out and linked his arm in yours.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Of course" You replied and you both walked out to the car and headed to your destination.

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