Chapter 17

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So far today has gone pretty fast, you woke up, showered, got dressed, went out for brunch with Tom and then made your way to your lawyers office to grab the divorce papers and finally get them signed.

Now you were standing outside your door, hesitant to go, you didn't want to talk to Brett let alone see him so you found it quiet hard to enter, but you really wanted this divorce to happen and you also needed your stuff so after a couple of deep breaths you knocked on the door.

"You got this love, don't worry" Tom rested his hand on the small of your back as you knocked on the door.

The door opened and the grin on Brett's face dropped as he realised who you were and who you were with.

"Here are the divorce papers." You barged through the front door and pushed the papers into his chest.

"I told you already. No!" Brett spoke.

"And I told you I don't give a fuck Brett, now why don't you move your ass to the table and sign them whilst I go and pack the rest of my things" You smiled to yourself over how badass you sounded.

You left Tom where he was and began to walk upstairs to your room.
"And where are you moving too?" Brett asked.

"Into my boyfriends house" Emphasis on the word boyfriend so Brett would get the hint.
Brett looked at you and then looked over at Tom and then you again.

"So you were cheating! You ignorant bitch" He shouted.

"Watch your mouth!" You could see the anger in Toms face, he was almost ready to punch him.

"No Tom it's fine." You nodded at him to let him know you're alright. "Yes Brett I did cheat, but let's not forget so did you!" You yelled as you began to walk up the stairs again.

" You won't get away with this, I'll sue you in this divorce"

"I thought you didn't want one!" You spoke sarcastically from your room.

There was so much stuff in your bedroom that you didn't know where to even start, so you frantically started chucking everything into bags and suitcases, whilst you were doing that you could hear Tom and Brett bickering over you but you dared to intervene as it was quiet cute to have 2 guys fight over you. Once you had got most things into bags, you threw your entire wardrobe into a suitcase and did the same thing with your chest of draws.

The next space to tackle was your bathroom, luckily you had a cabinet dedicated to all of your beauty products and shower gels so all you had to do in there was put them into another bag.
After about 20 minutes of running around and throwing things into bags and suitcases you were finally all packed up and ready to go back downstairs.

You felt a bit flustered at first from all the shouting and running around but a couple minutes of deep breathing and composing yourself soon sorted that feeling out. You were ready for yet another shouting match between you and Brett.

"I'm walking down the stairs and if those papers aren't signed so help me God!" You shouted to give Brett a warning.
"Better signed them mate" Tom said to Brett.

Brett huffed and grabbed a pen and began to sign the papers, "I bet this was your plan, you take her for drinks, wake her up early, make her work long hours and coheres her into getting a divorce" Brett snapped at him.

"I think you'll find, the drinks were a mutual decision, the waking up early is in the job description and the long hours... well, that's just because she wanted to avoid coming home" Tom snapped back rather cockily at him.

Placing all your bags down at the door you walked into the kitchen where Tom and Brett stood.
"Signed?" You had an urgency in your voice.

You could hear Brett aggressively scribbling the paper and crosses the T's in his name.
"Done." He placed them back in the envelope and shoved them back at you like you did when you walked through the door.

"See that wasn't so hard now was it."

Without even asking Tom grabbed your bags and headed out the door leaving you and Brett alone.

Brett walked over to you and even though you both resented each other there was still a lust in his eyes when he looked at you.

"Look Y/N I'm sorry for everything, sorry for how I treated you, all the names I've called you, I'm sorry for forgetting your birthday..."

"Brett just stop. I want to be civil alright, no more arguing, no more apologies, I just want this divorce over and done with and for us to be friends again" You interrupted him mid sentence.
Brett didn't speak he just smiled and nodded.

"The only thing I'm sorry about is how this all turned out, we had a good thing once"
You grabbed your last remaining bag and turned away from Brett.

"Goodbye Brett" Were your final words as you walked out closing the door behind you.

Tom was patiently waiting for you in the car, he left your door open for you so you could just sit down. Once you got in the car and put your bag down you let out a scream of frustration. Tom didn't judge you for screaming you honestly needed to let it all out and he didn't care one bit.

Once you pulled yourself together again you closed the car door and buckled yourself in.
"See that wasn't so hard" You spoke to yourself in the win-mirror adjusting your hair.

Tom didn't speak, he was too amazed over what he just witnessed, the way you handled Brett blew him away he'd never seen you like that before and he kind of liked it but it also scared him a tiny bit, he didn't want to get on your bad side.

He turned to keys to the engine and began to drive back home.
"Just remind me to not get on your bad side" He joked.

"Don't be an asshole like Brett and you won't" Your tone of voice was still cold and snappy.
You realised how you just spoke and instantly apologised. "Sorry, thought I was still there for a second"

Tom laughed softly. "It's alright, your were stressed over this divorce, there's no need to apologise for anything" He told you.

"I love you" He spoke as he cupped your chin.

"I love you too" You blushed, Tom could feel the heat in your cheeks at let out a little laugh before he pushed his foot down on the accelerator and took the fast route home.

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