Chapter 6

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You wake up hours later still in Tom's arms and you couldn't help but smile, you knew you didn't sleep with him but you could get use to waking up next to him and not Brett. You let your eyes adjust to the room and allowed them to focus you realised Tom was already awake he just didn't move positions as he didn't want to wake you. He kissed you on the forehead making you smile harder and blush slightly.

"Good morning" His voice was still hoarse and you loved it.

"Morning" You sounded quiet happy for someone who has just woken up. You stretched your legs out quickly as you haven't moved them since last night but you was only greeted by a groan from Tom, you leg was draped over his torso still and he woke up with a rather hard dick.

"Sorry" You tried to not draw attention to the situation as its normal for a guy to wake up in that state.

"Shame you're not my husband, I would of loved to do something about that" Your hand immediately slapped your mouth, you couldn't believe you said that out loud, you were so embarrassed.

Tom just laughed it off, in all fairness you have kissed already, what exactly is stopping you from sleeping with him?

"Y/N are you sure you want to go down this path?" Tom suddenly got all serious.

You didn't have to ask any questions to know exactly what he was talking about, "If you make me happy, which you do, then yes. I know it's wrong and I should think about Brett but it just feels so..."

"Right?" He asked.

"Exactly, it's almost like the universe is giving us a second chance and this could be it"

"But Brett?" There was still so many things to consider.

"Screw Brett, he treats me like shit, he doesn't know what my favourite drink is, he accuses me of cheating, he bosses me around" You could continue but even Tom knew you were right based on the conversation he had with him last night.

Speaking of Brett you knew you had to go back home otherwise he would get worried you didn't exactly tell him you stayed at Tom's last night. You quickly threw all your things together and stole some clothes out of Tom's wardrobe to look like you had an outfit change at work and then proceeded to make your way home, obviously before leaving you thanked Tom for a lovely night  and said that you should definitely do it again sometime, you gave him a quick kiss and left to go home.


Stalling to walk through the front door you stood there contemplating the multiple ways this could go down and you weren't ready for any of them. You grabbed your keys out of your bag and opened the door taking a deep breath before you walked in.

You was half expecting Brett to be at work or impatiently waiting for you in the kitchen but you couldn't of been more wrong.

There was laughing, high pitched annoying work colleague laughing, has he really invited someone round from work?

"Hi honey, how was your meeting"

This was very weird, you scanned your house to see if you walked into the right one. Brett didn't shout at you, there was no screaming and no tears what on god's earth was going on.

"Well thanks for everything Brett, I should get going" The mysterious voice spoke and as they walked around the corner you realised Brett had a women round, this wasn't the time for jealously but you were a tad bit jealous, you bit your tongue trying not to lose it.

Whoever this women was she had the audacity to smile at you as she walked out, you've never even met her before. Luckily she walked out the house and as soon as Brett heard the door slam hell let lose.

"Well look who decided to pop in" He was already angry you could hear it in his voice.

"Umm I don't know, blonde bimbo over there" You signalled at the girl who just walked out.

"Come on Y/N, try and lie your way out of this one" He ignored the comment about his work colleague.

"Well I had a late work meeting with Tom and the meeting just so happened to be with the owner of the Hippodrome casino, cut a long story short"

Brett scoffed as he knew you were missing some major details.

"Cut a long story short... Tom ended up winning the big jackpot and we celebrated, had one too many drinks and then I slept it off at Toms" Technically you didn't lie, you just exaggerated the truth and missed some parts out.

Brett knew this, whenever you lied your eyes always betrayed you, it was the one thing giving it all away, telling him that, that wasn't all. You could see the anger grow in Brett's face he tried to keep calm but he was sick and tired of the lies.

"Don't lie to me Y/N!"

"I'm not lying" You lied again.

"Your eyes Y/N, your eyes always give you away. Now tell me the truth or get out of my house"

"Your house! No! You own as much as I own sweetie" You knew the kicking you out of the house trick wouldn't work as you halved the rent.

"Well I'm not lying, I've told you what happened and you don't believe me. Why don't you tell me about Barbies visit" You were curious on why she was in your house.

"She's Rachel from accounting, she needed help with her laptop" He voice lowered, just like you Brett had a give away and it just happened.

You knew for a fact that Rachel from accounting didn't have a laptop with her but you decided to ignore it.

"Now tell me the truth or get out!" He was really over exaggerating.

"I am telling the truth" You tried manipulating him.

Brett eventually had enough of all your lies, in theory the only thing you didn't tell him was the multiple kisses you shared with Tom, other than that you were all good. He stormed upstairs.

You didn't run after him, what's the point no one would win this screaming match. After around 5 minutes of Brett slamming and stomping around upstairs he finally walked back down them with a packed bag.

"Here!" He chucked the bag at you.

"What?" You were confused.

"Don't play the innocent act with me, I don't want no cheating scum like you in my house"

You scoffed, trying to hide back the tears at the same time. "You can't talk to me like that and you can't kick me out if I'm leaving!" Were your final words to Brett as you grabbed your bag and walked out the door slamming it behind you.

"Y/N wait!" Brett shouted but by the time you slammed the door it was too late.

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