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"What do you mean you don't have the flower?" Madara asked in dismay.

"It doesn't grow in this season." The merchant explained nervously. "A-and even if we did have it it would be in the form of tea leaves."

Madara was exhausted, as was Hashirama and Tobirama from running non-stop. Though the journey should have taken five days they managed arrive in three.

They did not rest.

"Tea leaves..." Madara repeated tiredly. "Not petals?"

"The petals are dangerous when consumed, shinobi-san." The merchant frowned. "They cause hallucinations and have led many to their deaths chasing things that are not real."

Madara cursed.

"I need their petals!"

The merchant glanced around.

"Um... you could try checking the other place."

"The other place?" Tobirama inquired.

"The more discreet place." The merchant affirmed. "Some people like the sensation the petals give them so... uh, they might be found there."

Hashirama grinned.

"Then we still have a chance!" He said to Madara.

"There's no guarantee though!" The merchant added nervously. "They aren't in season!"

"Thanks anyways." Hashirama said and quickly followed Madara and Tobirama.

"We should first determine who has connections to this underground marketplace." Tobirama said. "Hashirama—-!"

"I'll ask around." Hashirama nodded. "You two should learn more about this flower and see if anyone knows how to turn it into a cure."

"Hashirama..." Madara trailed off gratefully. "Thank you.


What... who—who is that?

There was someone standing behind Tajima.

"Pardon me," he said and time seemed to freeze around them. "Forgive the intrusion."


"You can move and speak, you know." The man told her in amusement. "Your body may be paralyzed but your mind is still sharp."

"My mind?" Izuna questioned then glanced behind her and flinched.

She could see herself lying on a futon.

"Am I dead?" She demanded.

"No, I'm afraid not." The man chuckled. "We're in your mind. Time passes slower here so we can converse longer."

"So this is my mind." Izuna remarked sharply. "Why are you here then?"

"A cautious question." The man nodded in approval.

"Identify yourself." Izuna said and glared at him, sharingan flickering to life.

"You really are more than you appear." He commented. "You act naive and foolish... but inside? You are more than that. You can be coldblooded and cunning."

Izuna froze.

"You are capable of bloodlust even if you like to believe otherwise." The man continued. "You are like the Original."

"No! I am not!" She protested. "I am different!"

"Yes, you're different, but that doesn't actually disprove anything I said. You are like the Original."

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