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There had been rumours about a coup d'état, a bloodless revolution.

The rise of a mad tyrant in the Uchiha clan.

She wasn't what he expected.

"Let's make peace," the warmonger said. "Let's agree to stop killing each other. Already, we have both lost so much."

She's a child and a fool. How can such a naïve child lead her clan?

They couldn't.

She's a snake - a deceiver. How else did she gain power over her elder brother?

"Impossible," he barked, glaring at her. "Leave now, Uchiha whore. We don't want to hear your lies."

His younger son made an odd expression, cringing at the insult.

"Why is it impossible?" She asked, "I am willing to try for peace. Are you?"

"Words will not erase centuries of blood, pain, and suffering. It would be a foolish endeavour to try minimizing the strength of our hatred."

Izuna crossed her arms.

"Do you even remember why we fight?"She asked. "Do you even know what caused this feud? I do. I understand both sides. I understand that this war has gone on too long. For the sake of our children, and their children's children, we must make peace."

"You are a hypocrite."

Izuna flinched.

"You're no pacifist!" Butsuma mocked. "Did you think I wouldn't hear? Did you think no one would speak about how you killed a member of your own clan for disagreeing with your ambition? If you are willing to kill your own blood betray your own kind, how do we know you won't do the same to us?"

"I did cut down my own people for standing in my way." She confessed calmly. "But I did not kill them. I love my people. And it's only because I love my people that I will stop them from destroying themselves even if it means hurting a handful to spare the whole. If we don't stop, this war will destroy both of us."

"You 'cut down your own people' for their own good?"

How absurd.

"It wasn't like that, Senju-sama."

She brought them back.

She brought them back.

They weren't dead.

She wasn't a kin-slayer.

She wasn't.

"It's a shame when you can't even trust the people closest to you." He shook his head. "If peace means living in a world with Uchiha, then I despise peace. The Senju clan would sooner destroy itself than reconcile with your thieving scourge."

"Is that how you really feel?" Izuna asked with a pained expression.

"Of course I do you stupid bitch." He laughed. "You should've known better than to come into Senju territory alone, kin-slayer. Now you'll pay the ultimate price for your arrogance —"

"That's enough." Tobirama warned. "This is a negotiation, father. No need for such crass language."

"No," Butsuma shook his head, "this is not a negotiation. This is where a Uchiha Izuna dies. She's outnumbered and outmatched."

"This is a diplomatic meeting." Tobirama grit his teeth. "No bloodshed allowed."

"I didn't come to fight." Izuna added helpfully. "I'm here for peace talks."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2022 ⏰

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