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It took her many years to understand that sometimes people had to cross over their moral lines for the greater good.

The Greater Good.


The phrase made her angry.

A line drawn in the sand fades with every step that crosses over it until finally there is no line, only the footprints and chaos left behind by too many broken morals and despicable acts.

Acts done for the Greater Good.


Shinobi should be practical.


Izuna was.

And she wasn't.

The Original was the pragmatic one. She was the idealist—the dreamer. She knew that. But was she what this world needed? She didn't know. She could be ruthless. She could be pragmatic. She just... never wanted to be.

She was kind.

But she was also Uchiha Izuna and Uchiha Izuna would always do what needed to be done.


"Haruki-kun," she called. "I—-"

He smiled.

"It's okay." Haruki told her. "I understand."

She clenched her fists.

"Just promise me this," Haruki said, "promise that you'll take care of them. A-and make their pain go away."

"I will." She promised.

"Then I'll trust you."

"Thank you."

"Goodnight, Izuna-san." Haruki smiled. "See you in... perhaps a century?"


She sealed him—and all memory of him—away.


"You know what to do."

"Yes, Izanami-sama."


"They failed the mission, Tajima-sama."

Izuna did not wince.

"A simple escort mission. Now, I know for a fact that Madara-sama would never let something like merciful sentiment get in the way. That must mean the fault lies with...."

He glanced at Izuna meaningfully.

"Saito-san, that's enough." Tajima said sharply.

"You spoil her." Saito sniffed. "Look at the results. See reason, Tajima-dono. Our reputation. Tarnished."

Madara gritted his teeth.

"She's unfit to be a shinobi." Kanata declared. "It's plain, isn't it? She's more suitable as a housewife."

"Like her failure of a mother."

Madara froze.

And Izuna?

Sweet Izuna.

Merciful Izuna.

Kind, pacifist, and soft-hearted Izuna?

She was no more.

"You cross a dangerous line." She said softly.

"Maybe it needs to be crossed, Uchiha-hime. You and your line are unfit to lead us!" He sneered. "You have my challenge."

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