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Izuna was worried.

"Niisan, you mustn't use those eyes." She said. "If you use them too much you'll become blind."

He glanced at her.

"How do you know that?"

"Um. Your eyeballs are bleeding."

Madara jolted.

"Not again!" He scowled. "Don't look, Izuna!"

Izuna sighed.

"I'm not scared of you just because you're a crybaby." She told him. "A crybaby who just happens to cry blood. Not scary at all!"

Madara crossed his arms.

"I hate these eyes." He whispered. "They remind me only of your death."

Izuna frowned.

"Um... you do know I'm alive, right?"

He blinked.

"Yes. It's just—-I was so—-!"

Madara pat her head.

"Don't ever leave me like that." He demanded. "I'm not going to be the only braincell in a group with two Senju brothers."

Izuna giggled.

"Tobirama-kun does have a braincell though and it's a very good one!"

She huffed.

"Let's go see them." She said.

"Alright," Madara agreed. "But take it easy... you're still recovering from the—!"

"Yamanaka nightmare poison. Yuck." Izuna gagged.

Madara's face darkened and Izuna fought a flinch when his chakra did the same.

She squished his face.

He blinked in surprise.

"No murder thoughts please." Izuna said. "I want to make peace with everyone we can. Including the Yamanaka."

"Fine." Madara whined sullenly.

"Let's go." Izuna smiled.


"Tobirama-kun!" Izuna beamed.

She's here!


W—wh—what? She blinked.

"Idiot!" Tobirama hissed even as his arms tightened around her.

Madara gaped.


"Let's not interfere." Hashirama said cheerfully. "C'mon Madara."

"That's right..." Madara muttered, completely ignoring Hashirama. "Tobirama is a boy... and he's... hugging Izuna?"

Madara activated his mangekyo.

"I cannot allow—-gah! Hashirama! Let me go! Let me g—-!"

Izuna heard one last cry of: "I need to protect my sister's virtue!"

And then Madara and Hashirama disappeared.

"Idiot." Tobirama scoffed and placed a hand on her cheek. "I thought you said I was going to kill you."

She smiled slightly.


She blinked.

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