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"Do you trust me?"

The question startled her.

She blinked.

Tobirama shifted uneasily. He was so tense it was almost comical. It amazed her that the White Demon of the Senju was actually nervous. It wasn't evident in his expression but she could sense his chakra rippling anxiously. His eyes darted back and forth, alternating between staring into her eyes and avoiding her gaze.

"Of course I do." She said with a smile. "Do you really need to ask?"

His shoulders slackened and his chakra bubbled with relief.

"May I draw a seal on you?"

Her eyes widened.

No wonder he was so worried about my trust.

A sealmaster drawing a seal onto another person meant one of two possible things:

First was that they and the receiver of the seal trusted each other immensely. Seals can go wrong and often do if the sealmaster makes a mistake. Drawing a consensual seal is a very intimate thing. The Uzumaki did it with each other but they were Uzumaki. Most wouldn't dare let a sealmaster and a paintbrush anywhere near them of they could help it.

The second was when a sealmaster successfully plants a seal on their enemy. If you were the enemy of the sealmaster in this case, you were most likely a dead one, or soon-to-be.

Izuna trusted Tobirama.

"Okay." She said. "Where? Um. Do you need to draw on my back?"

It was one of the best places to draw a seal on the human body because the back was both mostly flat, and had decent space for drawing the seal.

"That would be ideal." He said mildly. "If you don't mind."

"Oh. Uhm, okay." Izuna said a bit awkwardly as she reached for the ribbon that tied her kimono together.

Ever the gentleman, Tobirama turned away as she undressed and instead focused his attention to preparing his sealing brushes and ink.

Izuna felt herself flush pink as she began to unwrap the binding around her chest. She gathered the bandages and folded them neatly before placing them on the ground.

"Ready." She said and nearly jolted when she heard Tobirama speak directly behind her.

"Alright." She heard him say.

"Would it be easier if I lay on the ground?" She asked.

For awhile there was silence.

And then: "That won't be necessary."

She nodded mutely.

"Are you absolutely certain you're fine with this?" He asked softly and her heart warmed.

"I'm ready." She said and heard him exhale.

Izuna felt the cold stroke of a soft brush on her back and then another. She closed her eyes and imagined what patterns Tobirama might be drawing. His hands were steady and gentle. Just by his touch, she could tell he was skilled with calligraphy and all the fine and delicate brushstrokes required for fuinjutsu.

"This is the first time I've witnessed you use fuinjutsu." Izuna said and felt Tobirama stiffen behind her. "Part of me wishes I could see you draw."

"Ram, Snake, Tiger."

Izuna blinked. "What?"

"Try the handseals." Tobirama said. "Ram, Snake, and Tiger."

"Alright..." she complied and formed each handseal.

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