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"Congratulations, Izuna-himesama," Uchiha Arashi bowed. "May your future be prosperous and may you bring prosperity to the clan."

Izuna smiled politely.

"Many thanks, Arashi-san. You're too kind."

"Arashi-kun?" Madara approached with a smile.

"Yes, Madara-sama?"

"Fuck off."

Arashi fled politely.

Izuna giggled into her yukata sleeve even as Madara scowled.

"Vultures. The lot of them." He glowered darkly. "Now that you're sixteen they smell blood."

"Ara, ara~ turn that frown upside down." Izuna purred teasingly. "Niisama looks more handsome when he isn't brooding. How else am I going to find a sister-in-law if you always have such a scary face?"

"Without this scary face how will I scare away your suitors?" Madara retorted back fondly.

"Hmm.." Izuna brushed her fingers through Madara's hair. "You really ought to care more about your appearances. If you put a little more effort you'd be such a heartthrob."

"Ew." Said Madara. "I don't want my sister thinking about me and heartthrob."

"Don't worry, Madara-niisan." Izuna ignored him. "I'll find you a good wife."

"Nooo" whined Madara. "Izunaaaaaa I don't want—owwww!"

Izuna blinked.

"My finger is stuck in your hair."

"Is your finger okay? Don't move. I'll cut—-!"

"NO!" Izuna exclaimed in horror. "Don't touch a single strand of your hair! I'll get a brush!"

Now Madara stared in horror.

"No brushing!" He hissed like an angry cat.

"Don't cut your hair!" Izuna hissed back.




"What if an enemy used your tangled hair against you? Even Hashirama-san has countermeasures against things getting caught in his hair." Izuna said with a slightly jealous tone. "His hair is like silk and water. It's so smooth. Why can't you care for your hair like him?"

"No brushing." Madara said firmly.

"My eldest son and my only daughter are the clan's brightest. They'll bring the Uchiha to prosperi—-"

Tajima stared at Izuna whose hand was stuck in Madara's hair who was angrily hissing like a savage porcupine.

What bright children he had.

He signalled to the pair of Hagoromo behind him with his eyes.

Izuna hid her tangled hand behind Madara's back. Madara stopped hissing and put on the guise of a perfectly civilized human being.

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