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"I think I'm slipping." Izuna declared as she charged towards Tobirama with her katana.

Tobirama quirked a brow and blocked.

"How so?" He pressed, jumping back and whipping several kunai at her.

She used an earth jutsu to create a giant wall to block the kunai. Then she slammed the earth towards Tobirama who dodged.

"A new study suggests that two in three Uchiha experience a form of madness at least once in their lives." She said matter-of-factly. "I think I'm experiencing the Uchiha Madness."

"Oh no. Is it contagious?" Tobirama deadpanned and yelped as he narrowly avoided a facial collision with her fist.

"This is serious, Tobirama-kun!" Izuna blew a gigantic fireball in his direction and leaped into the cloud of steam formed by Tobirama's countering water jutsu.

"Never said it wasn't."

Izuna scowled.

"I enjoyed thinking about several ways I could end a person's life. Something has to be wrong with me!"

Tobirama blinked slowly.

"So you're finally feeling the effects of bloodlust. That's normal. It's usually caused by adrenaline and survival instinct." He said. "The important thing is to not be overwhelmed. It's a bit addicting."

"Oh great! I'm going to become a power drunk Uchiha! Exactly what the world needs!"

"You're fine, Izuna." Tobirama said then frowned in mock-pensiveness. "You're too kind for world domin—-actually..."

"Don't tease me!"

He smirked. "But you're cute when you're angry."

"Do you like seeing me in distress?"

Tobirama tripped on his own foot.

"W—-what——no!" He exclaimed. "I prefer seeing you happy!"

Izuna's cheeks warmed.


Hashirama sighed.

"I feel like I'm unwanted here."

"Yes, now go away aniki." Said Tobirama.

"Not at all," Izuna smiled at the same time, "you're my friend, Hashirama-san."

"F—friend?" Hashirama repeated happily.


"T-then call me Hashirama! No need for formalities between friends!" He told her with a grin.

"I was never one for formalities." Izuna returned with a sigh. "Though, I've grown accustomed to using them."

Tobirama tensed suddenly.

"Father is coming!" He said. "Leave now, Izuna!"

She smiled sadly.

"Farewell, Hashirama. Be safe, Tobirama-kun." She said, disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

"Did you get her?" Butsuma demanded, coughing slightly as he arrived with several others.

"She got away." Tobirama said shortly. "Father... you're hurt badly. Call a retreat."

Butsuma grunted.

"I'm getting older." He said. "Too old for the battlefield, perhaps."

Hashirama exchanged a look with Tobirama.

"What are you saying?" Hashirama asked slowly.

"You must be prepared Hashirama," said Butsuma with a wheeze, "to lead our clan you must harden your heart. Our enemy will be ruthless and you must match them. Tobirama... you have always been the most pragmatic one. Keep your brother focused."

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