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"Madara-niisan was training in the woods." Izuna informed her father diligently upon returning home. "Mainly with chakra control and some jutsu experimentation."

"Is that all he did?"

"Yes." She answered steadily, not breaking eye contact.

Briefly, she wondered whether he could tell she was lying but soon dismissed the thought. He couldn't have. What reason did his Izuna have for lying?

Izuna was compliant after all.

She was the epitome of an obedient daughter.

"Very well. You're dismissed."

Izuna bowed lowly, then retreated outside. She wandered around until she found Madara who was sitting beneath the shade of a deciduous tree.

Izuna sat beside him.

He snuggled into her.

"Niisaan!" She protested halfheartedly as Madara decided to use her as a pillow.

"I'm tired..." he rested his head on her shoulder.

"Madara!" She found herself pouting, then took the opportunity to whisper a warning in his ear.

"Father is on to you. I've managed to convince him that you were out training in the woods alone." Izuna said softly as she felt him stiffen. "But you need to be more careful. I don't know how long I can cover for you."

Izuna smiled as though nothing had happened and sighed loudly.

"I suppose I'll allow you to use me as a cushion because I love you." She declared dramatically.

"Thank you, Izuna." Madara said as his body relaxed.

Izuna smiled fondly, "Anything for you, nii-sama."

(Even betray father?)

Izuna felt something twist at the thought.

(Even betray the clan?)

She glanced at her brother and felt a great surge of affection fill her.

She loved her brother.

Yes, she thought resolutely, for Madara I'd do anything.

For Madara and Madara alone.

(She had already failed one brother before she wouldn't fail this one too.)


Being the daughter of the clan head meant that she belonged to her clan and that the clan owned her. Because she could fight, she would fight for the clan. And she would continue to fight until she was old enough to marry.

Once eligible, she was expected to marry someone respectable and powerful.

The women of the clan were allowed to fight until married. Fighting was their only right. Once married, an Uchiha bride would lose all rights to fight in favour of raising children and keeping the house.

They would shed their warrior spirit to become the perfect wife.

Izuna wanted to please her father and support her clan.

But she also wanted to live her life.

(Memories of two lifetimes clashed and so did thoughts of independence and duty, leaving her feeling terribly conflicted and confused.)



She allowed herself to smile. Genuinely.

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