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"To learn the ways of our Sages you must learn to think like us, to act like us." Yukine drawled in a low purr. "Your chakra sensory is impeccable. That makes you a uniquely—-"

"—-purr-fect match for us." Kuroba—a black panther agreed. "We are hunters. Predators. And your sensory skills are well suited for our skillset."

"Want to hear a secret?"

Tobirama blinked.

Gleaming eyes peered at him from the darkness. Not just one or two, but at least a dozen or more.

"We're all Sages here."

He staggered beneath the sheer presence suddenly released around him. It was—-he couldn't—-

He was in a den of lions. Leopards. Panthers. Predators. The chakra felt wild, yet... thoughtful and calculating at the same time. Cats watched their prey before striking. He felt like that prey trapped in a den of predators with nowhere to escape. It was almost painful. Almost, but not quite. It was certainly overwhelming. He was chakra sensitive, extremely so, almost cripplingly so. His chakra hypersensitivity could be a double edged sword.

He hadn't expected it.

He hadn't had time to brace himself for it.

"Have you ever wondered why cats seemingly sleep through an entire day? It's because we aren't actually sleeping... Sometimes, maybe. Sleeping in a nice, warm, sunny spot is quite nice. But most of the time, we're gathering nature chakra."

"I've—-" he struggled, "I've h—heard legends," Tobirama managed, finally regaining his bearings, "of Mount Myoboku and Ryuchi Cave. I've heard of Toad Sages and Snake Sages... but never—-"

"We're predators, Tobirama-kun."

"Once we set our sights on our prey..."

"...There is no escape."

"You've never heard of us," Yukine drawled, "because the dead cannot speak."

"And if not dead," Kuroba mused, "how can one speak without their vocal chords? Or tongueless perhaps? Ha."

"Regardless, you are our summoner." Yukine eyed him, tail swishing eagerly behind. "You will become a Sage."

"And you won't ever stop being a Sage."

"Once you learn to master Sage chakra you will have to remaster your instincts."

"It would do you no good to become feral towards your allies," Kuroba continued thoughtfully, "though, it would be entertaining to watch."

"It'll be overwhelming at first but your precise chakra manipulation will be of immense aid."

"Whatever your sensory range is now will increase exponentially."

"H—how does—what do you require of me to learn this?" He asked a bit dazedly.

"We have a different mindset regarding how to treat chakra." Yukine informed him. "Nature chakra is... dangerous and we have no intention in acquiring another stone statue. You will be put under a powerful genjutsu to help prepare your body for the real nature chakra."

"A genjutsu." He repeated.

"To help your mind become more... catty. Feline. It's temporary and it'll help you prepare for the actual Sage Mode."

"It won't hurt." A kitten added helpfully.

There was apprehension about being placed under such a genjutsu.

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