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Izuna struck first.

Hinoe laughed and dodged.

"What can you do without chakra?"

Izuna pulled out a kunai and twirled it around her finger. "I won't need chakra to deal with the likes of you."

"Tch. Arrogant child! You—-your confidence is a good skill to have. You really are like your father." He smiled. "He was always so certain with himself."

Izuna deadpanned. "Are you bipolar, Oji-san?"

"What are you talking about, hime-chan? I'm perfectly—-!"

Izuna dodged an onslaught of shuriken and threw an urn at him.

"Fine." Hinoe's smile became strained. "Oh dear. That urn had your grandmother's ashes."


She would have to make a burnt offering later as an apology.

"I'm sure she'd understand." Izuna said and grabbed another urn.

"WAIT! That's your cousin—-no, that's your great aunt—-oh, him. You can throw that one. Never liked that twit."

"Who?" She asked incredulously.

"Uchiha Tanaka." Hinoe said with a huff. "He was such a brat and though I'm not technically supposed to disrespect the dead..."

"You can't seem to feel sorry he's gone?"

Hinoe perked.

"That's exactly it!"

"Could you stop trying to kill me?"

Hinoe stared.

"I'm trying to kill you?"

Oh my god.

"You tell me!"

"Hn." Hinoe sighed with a troubled expression. "I brought you here for a reason... though I cannot seem to recall..."

He shook his head.

"Nevertheless, perhaps it's best you leave this place now." Hinoe told her solemnly. "It's quiet now but I doubt they'll stay quiet for long."


"Hinoe-ojisan." Izuna said in disbelief. "You threw shuriken at me."

He blinked.

"Did I?"

Izuna backed away very quickly.

"Yes..." she said gently, inching towards the door which had reappeared. "It was rather traumatizing."

"Oh dear." He said apologetically. "I didn't hurt you did I?"

Izuna pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed.

"What is going on, oji-san?"

He stared for awhile.

"I have no idea." He said brightly and smashed Uchiha Tanaka's urn.

Izuna stared.

He was giggling.


"Father!" Izuna hissed. "Hinoe-oji is absolutely insane!"

Tajima stared at her.

"I told you to stay away from him."

"I did. He approached me." She scowled.

Tajima sighed tiredly.

"Hinoe... isn't always completely lucid."

"He tried to kill me!" Izuna said. "And then uuuuh... he smashed a bunch of the urns. Yeah, I totally tried to stop him. He aah really hated Uchiha Tanaka didn't he?"

IZUNAOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant