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He was.

And then he wasn't.


He thought it was the end.

That he was doomed to unexistence.

But still he existed.

He wasn't lost.

He. Still. Existed.

(To his own surprise.)


He cut himself off.

That was the wrong question.

What was the right question?

"Where am I?"

A laugh.

He spun around.



Izuna flinched. "Iza—-Izanami-sama."

At ease, Uchiha Izuna. I have no quarrel with you.

"You... you destroyed me,"

Izanami shook her head.

I unmade you.


Something cannot come from nothing; and any something which comes from nothing must be caused.

She smiled.

I am that Cause. I am Creation. I am the End and the Beginning of all things. Just as I made you and I can unmake you, I remade you once more.

He didn't understand, not completely, but he almost did.

Do you know what identity is, Uchiha Izuna?

He frowned.

"T—-the soul?"

Yes and no. Identity is memory. Identity is moral. Identity is what shapes the soul.

She lifted a hand.

Without you, your Flame would forget herself. She would not remember which is why you must be.

Izanami smiled.

Do you know what you are?

"I—-I am the Original."

Does that make your Flame false? An imitation, then?

"No!" Izuna said, then repeated in a whisper. "No, she is real. She is the best of—-of—-us."

Then what are you? And... what is she?

"I... am an identity? She—-she..."

He didn't know.

(Identity was the key.)

You are Memory. Without you she would forget. You are the Connection that recalls your mistakes so that they are not repeated.

"I... I am Memory?"


That was right, wasn't it?

He was Memory.

The memory of What Was.

The Sage may call himself a God. He may even be a God. But compared to those who always Were he is nothing. He knows nothing. He is a Godling playing against the Great Ones. His manipulation of souls was that of an amateur. It took two to pull a single soul to another realm. I wouldn't require the aid of another to do the same.

IZUNADove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora