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(Leah POV ♥︎)

Dinner was so lovely. After, I helped Mrs. Dalton with the dishes. We made small talk about school and of course Kai.

"He's a good boy." She smiled as she rinsed a glass. "I know he tries to act cool with his friends and stuff, but he's really a great son. His fathers always busy with work, and so he takes the role of the man in the house. He has been, basically since he was ten." She gave me a warm smile.

"Hey mom." Kai poked his head out in the doorway. "I need to borrow Leah, is that cool?"

"Ya, Ya. Go ahead sweetie, I got this."

"Ok." I smiled back at her as I walked towards Kai.

Coming towards Kai I gave him a confused look. "What do you need me for?" I looked up at him.

"Math test..." He said with a weird look.

Oh right! I completely forgot.

We headed upstairs to his room and walked in with Raisin sprawled out on the bed.

"He really likes you huh?" I asked scratching his head.

"Ya, She's my baby." He laughed. Oops. I just misgendered a cat. "Alright come on Raisin." He lifted her up.

His backpack was in a corner and he grabbed it and dumped it on the bed. It was filled with crumbled papers and open pens. My worst nightmare honestly.

Mine was organized and, had folders that were color coded. My pencil case had several pockets for different pens, markers, and pencils.

"Where is it?" He looked at the pile. "Here!" He picked up a very crushed paper.

"So... what's it over?" I asked.

"Oh I don't know."


Working with Kai was like working a puzzle with no example photo. I mean eventually we got the hang of it, but it took a while.

"Ok, Now solve for x." I yawned as I watched him. "Don't forget the formula." I pointed to it.

He nodded and scribbled the equation down. Raisin made her way back towards us and laid right next to Kai. She was like attached to him, which I found cute.

I laided my head down on the bed and started to close my eyes. My mind thankfully couldn't think for a second today with everything going on, but closing my eyes made everything come back.

Distract yourself. Distract yourself.

I look back up to see Kai still working on the equation. I move my body and lay flat on the bed with my eyes on the ceiling.

Nothing much there. I look around his room for the first time and realize how many posters there are. Bands I don't know and pictures everywhere. Some old, some new, but all equally interesting in my eyes.

"Done." Kai said and lifted his paper up.

I took it and examined it. Ok, good, good, he did it perfectly!

I punched his arm lightly and said, "You did it perfectly!" I smiled.

"Did you get a new piercing?" He questioned looking at my ears.

I touched them and nodded. "I got three." I showed him both of my ears.

"What's your third." His brows furrowed.

"Oh, I got a belly button piercing." I laughed. I lifted my shirt a little and showed him. "See." I smiled at him.

"Leah, You're like a delinquent now." He made fun of me laughing.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes. I yawned as I started getting tired.

"Hey if you want to take a shower there's a shower down the hall and I'll get you some clothes."

"Ok cool."

"Here, you can borrow some of my clothes." He got up. "You're like a small right?" He made his way to the closet.

"Yeah, or medium works."

He threw some clothes at me. Covered in his clothes I peaked through a small hole. "Thanks."

He laughed as I shook the clothes off me. Picking them up he told me the directions to bathroom.


Getting in, the water fell over me and I hated how quite it was in here. My mind can think now and I hate it.

I still can't believe my own father would do that to my mother. All the father's day she spent her time preparing was wasted for a girl half of her age? For a girl who has a whole life to find a good guy but choose my dad? Why?

My dad was always quite, he never spoke up or had a fight with my mom. So why now?

I never could fathom how people would cheat. If you're so unhappy why don't you tell the other person?

Too many question. I shook my head like it would get rid of all my thoughts.

Leaving the shower I dried off and got into Kai's clothes. I put my hair in the towel and headed to Kai's room. I needed to ask him where his sisters room was.

"Kai?" I knocked on his door lightly. There was no sound so I entered quietly.

Kai was fast asleep with his work sprawled out. His hand was in a pencil and his other was out stretched. His legs hung off the bed, and he had a folder under his head.

Making my way towards him I pushed his hair away his face and took the folder from under him. His neck would get an uncomfortable crook if he slept on it. I cleaned his bed, free from random crumbled papers and stabby pencils.

I organized his backpack as best as I could and put it next to his night stand. I took his shoes off and then grabbed a nearby blanket. Putting it over his body I whispered "night Kai." I left and turned the light off.

Now to find the room. I peaked my head through two rooms before getting to a room that looked like a teenage girls room.

It was cozy and had fairy lights everywhere. I put them on and grabbed a nearby book. It was a book I've read before called Flipped. An adorable love story that is so innocent and young. I got in the bed and snuggled a pillow. I ended up falling asleep to the words of the book.


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