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(Leah POV ♥︎)

"Wake up. Damnit Leah, wake up!" I heard a voice yell at me.

Swatting at the voice I turned the other way and groaned.

"Leah get out of the fucking bed!" It yelled.

I shrunk in the covers and held a pillow for protection. I stuffed my face in the pillow hoping to get rid of the noise. My body went cold, as the blanket was taken from above me.

"LEAH!" It yelled.

My body shot up and I sat in the bed with my hairs up.

"You sleep like a fucking log." I turned and saw an aggravated Kai. "It's eight o'five. We're going to be late."

I scrambled out and fell off the bed, but quickly picked myself up.


"I-I don't I- clothes. I don't have any clothes." I looked down at Kai's baggy clothes on me.

Kai huffed. He opened his sisters closet and rummaged through it. "Could you find something in here? I've got to get dressed too."

I then notice his sleepy attire. He wore what he wore last night but with flannel PJ bottoms. He also had the worst bed hair I've ever seen. It went all directions and for sure disobeyed the laws of gravity.

"Whoa your hair!" I pointed and laughed.

"Get ready." He grumbled and walked out.

I scanned the clothes and settled on a pair of shorts and an old simple t-shirt. I took the necklace I've always worn.

The necklace my dad gave me when I was ten. It's a simple diamond necklace that I adorned and promised to never take off. The smile that shined on my dads face I will never forget. But I don't feel like wearing today. Or maybe ever again.

I tore it off and threw it on the dresser in the corner of the room. I got out of the room in a hurry and grabbed my shoes. I had my backpack in Kai's car so I was set.

"You and Kai, are about to be late!" Kai's mom ran towards me with a plate of toast. "Take some! For the both of you." She hurriedly stuck out the plate while looking at me and I'm assuming Kai behind me.

I got down the stairs and took four slices with Kai trailing behind me as we made our way to the car. The school was a good five minutes away and we barely got in the car at eight o'eight.

"Drive!" I screamed.

"I'm trying!" Kai screamed back, turning on the car.

He hit the gas and we were off. I took a slice of toast and took a bite. Kai looked over at it multiple times so I grabbed one of his slices and feed it to him.

"Thanks." He said with a mouthful.

"mhm." I replied, eating my toast.

He pulled into the school and with only two minutes left we sprinted into the school.

Entering we went down the same hall and sprinted to our classroom.

Kai and I made it to class on time and I was so embarrassed when the whole class turned their heads our my direction.

"Hi Miss. Chanler and Mr. Dalton do you have a pass?" The teacher asked.

"B-but I'm on time."

Checking his watch he nodded. "Lucky you, It just turned eight fifteen. Please sit down."

"Hey." Jessie scooted her seat towards me.

"Hey." I slumped in my seat.

"Late? Good girl?" She raised her eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes "Don't remind me."


During lunch I told her how I spent the night at Kai since I tutored him. She shrieked and said we are totally having sex, even though I told her a million times we weren't. I also could never think about doing that with him.

"Anywaysss, are you still going to what's his face thingy?" She picked at her sandwich.

"Who? Jackson?"

"Ya that kid. Are you going to his pool thing?"

"I think so." I giggled.

"Ok. I'm coming with you." She stated.


"Yeah tell him I'm coming. I don't trust him alone with you and if I'm there he won't try anything." She stabbed her straw in her chocolate milk harshly.

"Ok!" I would love Jessie there! And although I don't really need the protection, it would be nice to have her there. "I think I'm going to kiss him." I blush.

"Kiss! Before marriage?!" She put her hand on her chest exaggerating. "Do you know how to?"

"yeahh." I lied.


Home was weird. I had no real place to go. Dad was taking his sweet time moving out and I really didn't want to ask Kai again. I felt like a total burden.

I stayed in my car until my phone rang loudly.

"Mom?" I answered.

"Hey baby, I need you to come to your grandma's ok?" Her voice was shaky.

"Yeah, ok."

My grandparents lived only thirty minutes away and so I started my car and began the drive.

I wondered what my mother was so shaken about. I was really worried.


Entering my grandparents house it smelt so nostalgic. Like old dusted books, warm baked cookies, and that old channel perfume my grandma is obsessed with.

"Hey Leah!" My grandpa came towards me with big arms. I melted in them. "Your mom is in that room." He lead me with her shaky fingers.

I nodded and gave a smile before going into the room. "Mom?"

She sat on a couch with Milo to the side of her. Tears streamed down her face and Milo looked confused. "Hey baby,"

"What's going on mom?" I sat on a couch across from her.

My grandma came in the room with a tray of fresh cookies and tea. She had her whole tea seat and white intricate doilies.

"I told Milo everything, but I need to tell you guys something else." She spilled tears. "I-I need to leave. I love you guys and will come back, but I just need time r-right now." She broke down.

Grandma came to her side and held as she broke down. It's sorta weird to see your mom be held by her mom. Your mom doesn't just stop being your mom when your out in the real world, and I guess I never really saw that till now.

"Leah." she sniffled. "I-I need you to t-take care of your brother for me." She breathed out. "I will be back! It's only for a month or two. I put as much money as you will possibly need for a-a month, and I need you two to stay at the house. The school wouldn't allow you to be in grandmas house and you two are o-old enough. Be safe, for mommy?" She had tears streaming down her face.

"Your f-father is out. He's gone." She waved her hand. "So it's all yours."

I nodded and smiled like my world wasn't just flipped upside down. But I had to, because I knew I couldn't show Milo I was scared. I couldn't show mom I was a teensy bit upset. I had to be strong for both of them.


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