Chapter 6: The Battle of Rodenius Sea (1)

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June 12, 1639

Washington D.C.

"Good God, that is horrible!" President Lee exclaimed as he watched a live UAV feed from Gim. On the screen in front of him, several civilians, including children, were being lined up and fed to monstrous beasts.

"The UAV operator had to be replaced sir, the previous one got sick from watching all that," Steven said.

President Lee rubbed his eyes and handed the tablet back to Steven. "Those poor people... please don't tell me this damn planet is just war crimes galore all over the place."

"I would hope not, sir. It might simply be confined to these so-called uncivilized regions, where the culture and technological era is medieval. I expect that the industrialized regions we discovered via satellite are more humane, but we won't know for sure until we establish contact."

"Damn monsters. Are there any survivors in Gim?"

"Inside of the town, sir?"

President Lee nodded.

Steven hung his head slightly. "No, I doubt it. Our UAVs have identified several caravans of refugees fleeing toward Ejei, and several caravans moving west; likely slaves."

"Damnit," President Lee clenched his fist. "If only we had built up our bases there sooner! Damn HHS and CDC sure took their time trying to verify the safety of travel, but I guess I'd rather have this than our people suffering some unknown disease..."

"Wise observation, sir."

Lee shook his head. "Okay, so we'll probably have a few dissidents against the deployment of our military. I bet there are a few folks on the internet wailing about how the US hasn't changed, and is becoming imperialist now that we're in a new world." He then looked up. "Say, Steven. What if we leak some of this footage to the public? Like to liveleak or something. That'll be sure to get people's blood boiling, and any of those damn commies who keep complaining about U.S. imperialism will sure as hell keep their mouths shut."

"That might work, sir."

"Alright then. Put that on your list," President Lee ordered. "Oh, and get me Rear Admiral Charleston — we need to talk about relocation of the Fifth Fleet. I've got a hunch we'll be needing to worry more about our west than our east."


U.S. Embassy, Qua Toyne Principality

In an air-conditioned meeting room, Ambassador Anders talked on the phone as he waited for his Qua Toynian counterpart, Sir Yagou.

"Don't worry, it's safe. Hell, the bad guys over here use swords and bows! The only worrying factor is magic, but hey, can't cast a spell faster than a speeding bullet."

"But honey, what if they can shoot lightning from their hands or something, or... or... what if they summon Godzilla?"

"You're worrying too much, Maddie," Anders said with a smile. "There's like a tech difference of 500–"

He heard a knock on the door.

"Alright, I've got to go now, baby. I love you," he whispered to his phone before ending the call. Then, calling out to the door, he said, "Come in."

Sir Yagou opened the door, panting. "I came here as fast as I could. Do you bring good news?"

Anders looked to his left. "Ehh, good and bad. This is information your leaders will want to know. Come, have a seat." He gestured to a couch.

Yagou complied and sat, anxious to know what news Anders had for him.

"So the good news is that the Seventh Fleet will be here shortly; they'll be off the coast of Maihark in a few hours. We're also requesting that you send an observer to our fleet."

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