Chapter 81: Extraction

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Otaheit, Mu
Embassy of the United States of America

Pierre Deville panted as he opened the doors of the embassy, having just been urgently summoned from his Ministry of Intelligence. Burdened by traffic, he had to bike all the way in order to arrive promptly. Upon his entrance, he was immediately seen to by a staff member, who guided him to the embassy's CIA field office.

"Thank you," Minister Deville said to the staffer as he entered the office, the door shutting behind him. He then drew his attention to the man sitting down on the other side of the room's central table. "Mister Chamberlain, you've summoned me for an urgent matter?"

The black suited man responded with a Transatlantic accent, "I have, Minister Deville. I truly appreciate you coming here on such short notice," he said, standing up and reaching over the table to shake Deville's hand. "Please," he then gestured to the chair below, "Take a seat."

Deville sat down. Opting to get straight into business, he began, "I've heard that the Gra Valkans have finally invaded the Hinomawari Kingdom. It's something to do with that, I presume?"

"Correct," Chamberlain said. "Drink?" He held up a bottle of Qua-Toynian whiskey.

"Yes, please."

While he poured a glass for himself and his Muan companion, Chamberlain explained the situation, "I've received intelligence from the Leiforian Resistance that the Gra Valkans are aiming for King Hinomawari and his family. As per the agreement struck by Director Klein, I'd like your men to put their new skills and equipment to practice. We need to extract King Hinomawari and his family to your western borders."

Deville protested, feeling like the Americans were encroaching upon Muan sovereignty — despite their prior agreements. He deflected the request subtly, bringing up other concerns, "Is this such a task that necessitates the involvement of Muan assets? Is there no way to inform the king to evacuate?"

"The king and his family reportedly came under assault by unknown Gra Valkan elements. They've barricaded themselves in the castle and have yet been unable to acquire help due to the battle currently raging in Harunagakyo." Chamberlain pierced Deville's eyes with an emotionless stare. "The closest assets are the men under your command."

"I see. However, I must share with you a concern, should I proceed with this. If we are to use advanced technologies in Hinomawari, the Gra Valkans will be able to determine our involvement. My government does not seek war against the Gra Valkas Empire quite yet."

"I understand your concerns, and have prepared measures to address them," Chamberlain answered confidently. "I will provide your men with a rendezvous point, where they will meet with an operative of the Leiforian resistance. He will provide captured Gra Valkan weapons and equipment for them to use. While the German examples we've shown might not be exactly the same, I have faith that they are similar enough to their Gra Valkan counterparts. Any Gra Valkans who encounter your men will think them to be operatives of the Leiforian Resistance."

Deville gave a resignatory nod, finding no further excuses. Bound by duty, he agreed to Chamberlain's request. "Then I hereby grant authorization."


Harunagakyo, Hinomawari Kingdom

Explosions ravaged the outer walls of the city, sending panicking citizens fleeing deeper into the capital and toward the royal castle. Before long, the mobile armored forces of the Gra Valkans established a foothold in the city, occupying streets and eliminating threats wherever they surfaced. While the majority of their forces moved toward the castle, a few remained along the various regions of the city to maintain order and prevent defenders from regrouping.

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