Chapter 150: Orchestra of War

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Author's Note (Story and Patreon Updates):

152 is now out for all Tier 2 Patrons and higher! Tier 2 Patrons and higher will be able to read one chapter ahead!

I will upload one extra chapter per month if we hit a $150/month donation milestone. Donations from people who want to read ahead WILL contribute to this, and patrons will still be able to read ahead. — This milestone has been reached and a double upload is scheduled for August 22. Many thanks to all the contributors who have made this possible.



Last time on Summoning America:

The Gra Valkan War currently has the GVE at a distinct advantage over the technologically and numerically inferior EDI. They have made significant progress in the Muan fronts and defeated EDI fleets across the Artticus Ocean (between the Mu and Mirishient continents). The GVE has complete land, air, and naval dominance in most battlefields. However, the EDI has been regaining ground thanks to American advice and weapons, which the Gra Valkans and their WW2-era technology struggle to fight against. Despite this, the GVE remained neutral to the Americans for fear of their overwhelming technological and military prowess.

Displeased with GVE's neutrality with the Americans, who were clearly waging a proxy war against the GVE, Senator Guinea Marix led a coup against Emperor Gra Lux, seizing control of the Gra Valkas Empire. The US authorized a rescue operation in which submarine-deployed SEALs infiltrated the Gra Valkan mainland.  While the submarines launched a first strike against Gra Valkan military targets to weaken them in preparation for the inevitable war, the SEALs used this distraction to rescue Emperor Gra Lux and other HVTs. As a result of this transgression and as a part of his intended plan anyway, Marix declared war on the United States. As of December 19, 1640, the US joined the EDI-GVE War (Gra Valkan War).


December 22, 1640
Calmicus (Mirishial) Sea
1200 miles from Cartalpas Strait
Grade Atlastar-Class Battleship, GVS Valhalla, Fifth Conquest Fleet

Fleet Admiral Alaric Dietrich, a stern, battle-hardened veteran, presided over the large strategic map table in the command center aboard his flagship, the GVS Valhalla. His piercing grey eyes scrutinized the placement of the figurines on the table, representing the forces of the Fifth Conquest Fleet and the EDI Cartalpas Fleet. To his side stood Vice Admirals Karl Feldt, Otto Steinberg, and Erik Halvard, each in command of a battlegroup within the fleet.

"Let us review our plan once more," Dietrich began, his voice as firm as iron, "Cartalpas is not some backwater base like Kylona or Osperis. It is a vital, fortified city – the financial heart of the Holy Mirishial Empire. If we storm in guns blazing, we'll suffer losses on par with the disastrous battles of Otaheit and Hytal. So, we shall execute our plan in distinct phases."

Vice Admiral Steinberg, a stout man with a face hardened by numerous skirmishes against Kain, recalled the details of the operation. "An assault that makes the most of our submarines and carrier tactics."

"Indeed, Otto," Dietrich began, his tone reflecting the gravity of what lay ahead. "Our objective is to ruin as much Cartalpas infrastructure as possible, to prevent usage by the Americans. Phase One begins with the deployment of scouts around the Cartalpas Sea. Forces from Mirkenses' Fourth Conquest Fleet will engage EDI defenses along Calmicus Island and attempt to establish a beachhead near the western port city of Junnaral. Intelligence suggests the EDI has two more Pal Chimerae – one in Runepolis and one in Cartalpas. Spies in Cartalpas also confirm the presence of at least one plasma dragon. Ideally, Mirkenses' assault will draw some Cartalpas superweapons away while we enter the Cartalpas Strait between Calmicus Island and Follicus Island."

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