Chapter 41: Global Shift

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Arlington, Virginia
The Pentagon

Within the Current Actions Center, dozens of displays reflected real-time data from the multiple operations occurring simultaneously. President Lee eyed the colorful displays as he walked down to the room, his brain working overtime to understand the plethora of information. As he entered the room below, he was greeted by scores of salutes.

"At ease, everyone," he said as he walked toward the branch heads. "How's everything coming along? Robert?"

The Secretary of Defense responded quickly, a testament to his professionalism and dedication to his work. "Sir, the Seventh Fleet has begun operations against Esthirant and Duro. The first phase is near completion."

Live feeds of the bombing of the Imperial Capital Defense Base and the logistic strikes in Duro popped up on nearby displays.

"So far, we've neutralized sixty-five percent of logistical targets in both Esthirant and Duro. Most roads leading to Esthirant and Duro were bombed, incurring no civilian casualties. The bridges still had significant civilian activity, so our forces are currently holding off until midnight to begin neutralizing these targets. As for military targets, we've neutralized the primary defensive installations in both Esthirant and Duro. However, both bases seemed to have evacuated early, suggesting that the Parpaldians are taking the conflict more seriously."

President Lee raised an eyebrow. "Hm... this means the chances of a guerilla war are high. Hopefully Director Kaios can pull it off. Anyhow, have we initiated strikes against their fleets?"

"Their fleets appear to be unmoving, which is strange considering that they are under attack. We expected their fleets to exit their ports to meet us at sea, but given that they're staying put, we recommend further bombing of the ports, carried out by the carriers' squadrons. By the time they arrive, we hope that the civilian populace will have abandoned the area."

"I see. Have the carriers handle the port, then. Once the port is cleared of hostiles, maintain the blockade until we hear back from Director Kaios."

"Understood, sir."


Kaios Estate

"How are you feeling, Director?"

Kaios glanced at the egregiously calm man seated across from his desk. He wondered how he could appear so nonchalant despite the stakes of their mission. Did he not fear failure? Did he not fear possible repercussions from his home country? Jealous of the man's mysteriously confident attitude, Kaios questioned, "How can you remain so calm in the face of such world-altering circumstances?"

"Just another day in my line of work. Believe me, my predecessors and I have had to deal with way more dangerous situations than this. This is nothing, Director. You've got this."

Kaios looked at the American in silence, weighing his words.

"Whether or not you feel ready, this is something you'll have to do. Just remember, the odds are in your favor. And please, don't fuck up the speech we worked on. It should manage to convince the rest of Ludius' inner circle as long as you're following the script. I mean, you've already got Arde on your side, along with those countless men loyal to him, Balus, and Matal."

Kaios nodded, somewhat reassured by Klein's words. "Yes, I suppose you're correct. Very well then, I shall carry this out."

"That's the spirit," Klein smiled. "Either way, you'll be taking control of the Parpaldian Empire today. Although, we'll probably have to change the governmental structure. I sure hope you're okay with giving up your seat as temporary emperor, if you do end up in that position."

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