Chapter 15: Esthirant

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July 30, 1639

Esthirant, Parpaldian Empire

A blonde man in his early thirties with an elegant mustache sat in his office, sifting through piles of documents. "Nahanath... insignificant. Topa... ending their slave trades? Hoho, I'll take a look at that later." He placed the reports to the side. "Fenn, still 'deciding'? My, this lease deal is the best thing we've ever offered to a barbarian country! Bunch of ungrateful savages..."

Finally, he settled on the report from the Rodenius continent. "Ahh," he smiled, "Louria's war of conquest and genocide. How typical of savages to engage with the ethnic cleansing of demihumans... Well, that doesn't matter as long as we secure Rodenius under our thumb!" He read the reports, which had been set aside for the past few weeks due to an overload of bureaucratic work. "Hmm?" He raised an eyebrow. "They lost their fleet?! To... the Americans? Who the hell?!"

The more he read, the dizzier he got. "Iron ships, iron dragons... transferred country?! What sort of fantasy nonsense is this?!" He scoffed at the absurdity of the report, failing to see any semblance of reason in it. Still, he realized that his subordinates wouldn't throw away their jobs for some joke, so he decided to investigate.

He looked through his cabinets for files involving Mu and the Holy Mirishial Empire, since he knew they had metal vehicles. While he was busy combing through a drawer, he heard a knock on the door. "Come in," he said.

One of his subordinates entered, the receptionist out front. "Lord Kaios," she said. "You might want to come to the pier. There's something you should see."

Kaios sighed. "Raita, I shall admit, you are indeed pretty, but I'm quite busy here..."

"Oh," she blushed. "That's not what I meant. There's a fleet of metal ships out on the water!"

"Metal ships?" Kaios immediately put his materials back in the cabinets. "Let's go."


One day ago

U.S. Third Fleet, en route to Esthirant

Ambassador Anders walked along the deck of the USS Carl Vinson, snapping pictures with his phone to send back to his wife. As he moved his camera around, trying to find a good scene to capture, he noticed someone walk in front, waving his hand and smiling.

He lowered his phone to get a good look at the man, a bearded Hispanic colleague of his. "Holy crap, Miguel?" Anders broke into a smile.

"Yea, bet you thought I was gone forever, huh?"

"I thought you were vacationing with your folks down in Mexico?"

"Yeah, I was. We happened to be in the embassy when the storm hit though, so we got lucky haha. I'm gonna want my 500 now though."

Anders couldn't even be mad. He pulled out his wallet and forked over 5 bills. "Seriously? You see me and the first thing that comes to your mind is the bet?" Anders chuckled, shaking his head.

"Hey man, couldn't let you forget. Y'know, just in case God pulls off another teleportation act. Gotta cash in while we're both still in the same plane of existence."

"Always the logical one..."

They shared a laugh as waves splashed onto their ship's hull. Miguel broke the silence, "So, what are you doing here anyway? I heard you were our guy for the Qua Toyne folks."

"Yeah, I was supposed to still be down there, helping to find more info about these Ravernal guys, but that shady prisoner we picked up from the Lourian fleet finally cracked. Turns out he's from the Parpaldian Empire, so the President decided that now's a good time to pay them a visit."

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