Chapter 162: Follicus Island (2)

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Author's Note (Story and Patreon Updates):

Go read Manifest Fantasy, my new portal isekai story where the modern U.S. discovers a fantasy world.

NOTE: Manifest Fantasy (rewritten) is ONLY available through RoyalRoad.

Note 2:
163 is now out for all Tier 2 Patrons and higher! Tier 2 Patrons and higher will be able to read one chapter ahead!


I will be providing updates and announcements via discord. If you are well-versed in writing and military equipment/tactics, please consider joining the server. I could always use extra feedback.



January 4, 1641
GVE-Occupied Follicus Island
Captured HME Base

Dietrich looked through the latest update from Mirkenses' Fourth Conquest Fleet, which had dealt a telling blow to the Mirishials in Junnaral. Ports destroyed, industrial centers under siege – impeccable execution. On top of that, the Third Conquest Fleet was now setting sail from the Conshal Islands, ready to aid the First Conquest Fleet in the subjugation of Mu. Excellent news for the overall war effort, but would it be enough?

His train of thought was derailed by a sudden knock on the open door. "Sir, we received an emergency transmission on the manacomm relay network – it's from the Erlkonig," a communications officer announced.

Dietrich raised an eyebrow. Manacomms were to be used only in the event of American jamming. For a submarine over a thousand miles out to break its cover and use a last resort was concerning, to say the least. "What did it say?"

The officer handed him the transcribed message. "Priority One, Priority One. This is GVS Erlkonig to Fleet Admiral. Unidentified objects surfacing and ascending. Position far beyond patrol zone. Possible missiles. Urgent."

Dietrich's eyes narrowed, his nails digging into his palms. "Assemble the officers. Now."

The man left the room in a hurry, and within minutes the room was filled with Dietrich's top advisors and connections to the fleet's commanding officers.

"We have unidentified objects breaking surface around the Erlkonig's patrol zone, deep in the Cartalpas Strait," Dietrich announced, his eyes darting to the radio panel as he awaited responses.

"The Erlkonig?" Admiral Steinberg's voice fizzled in. "That– No, they're more than a thousand miles away! What could those missiles possibly be targeting? We have nothing out there!"

"Exactly. That's the conundrum," Dietrich replied, unconsciously tapping his fingers on the table. "Any thoughts?"

"Could be uh- a decoy, a feint," Admiral Feldt's voice offered from the radio. "Force us to divert resources or panic, perhaps?"

Commander Holtz, an anti-submarine warfare officer, looked up from the tabletop map. "If they were torpedoes, sir, I could give you a dozen countermeasures. But torpedoes don't ascend. I'm of the opinion that the Erlkonig's guess was quite right: these are missiles – ones with farfetched ranges."

A telling silence fell upon the room as Dietrich's tapping grew quicker. All of their war games and simulations against the Americans ended in one way – utter annihilation. "Their capabilities exceed even the worst-case scenario during our war games..." Dietrich muttered silently, out of ear's reach.

"It makes no sense for this to be a decoy," Halvard reasoned, "Everything we know about the Americans suggest efficiency and logic in their weapons and tactics. If they launched missiles that far, and there are no viable targets in the region, then we can only suspect that those missiles are targeted at us."

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