Chapter 140: The Coup (1)

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December 19, 1640
Ragna, Gra Valkas Empire

Senator Guinea Marix leaned back in his plush leather chair, his office dimly lit by the flickering glow of a nearby fireplace. He took a slow, thoughtful puff from his mahogany pipe, exhaling a plume of the smoke that danced in the air, mingling with the shadows that played on the walls. The rich scent of the tobacco filled the room, creating an atmosphere of quiet contemplation. As the grandfather clock in the corner struck the hour, there were three knocks on the door.


The door creaked open as two men entered the room, their footsteps muffled by the plush carpet beneath them. Matrix gestured for them to take their seats in the high-backed chairs across from him, his pipe still clenched between his teeth.

General Raxor, a stern man with a chiseled face and a rigid posture, began the discussion without any pleasantries. "Senator, our military preparations for the coup are nearly complete. The units under our control are ready to move on your command. We've strategically placed them in key locations around the Imperial District, replacing many loyalist units with our own." He pulled out a map from his briefcase, unfolding it on the table, and pointed to several marked areas. "Our forces will converge on the palace and other vital points, establishing a lockdown of the Imperial District to secure control as quickly as possible. Meanwhile, my forces will report an intrusion along the ports to divert attention."

Captain Herros, a younger man with a cunning glint in his eyes, chimed in next. "Reinforcements won't even get the word. The communications blackout awaits your command, sir. Our men have infiltrated key communication hubs and will sabotage them simultaneously. It'll look like a typical American jamming operation."

Senator Marix, nodding approvingly, tapped his pipe on the edge of a nearby ashtray to clear it. "Excellent, gentlemen. With our forces poised to strike and their forces in disarray, we will have the advantage we need. The fate of the Gra Valkas Empire rests on our shoulders. May the gods guide our path, and may history remember us as the harbingers of a new dawn. Now, if you'll excuse me..."


Senator Guinea Marix stood in the center of the Senate Chamber, his eyes scanning the faces of the key War Hawk leaders assembled before him. As the final moments before the coup approached, the gravity of the situation weighed heavily on his shoulders. Yet, he maintained a proud posture. Despite the risks, Marix believed that their actions were necessary to restore the Gra Valkas Empire to its former glory, and to preserve its future. Eyes gleaming with passion, he prepared to deliver the speech that would set their coup in motion. The crowd, a mixture of high-ranking officers, government officials, and corporate leaders, all waited in anticipation.

"My fellow patriots," Marix began, his powerful voice resonating throughout the room. "Today, we stand on the precipice of change. For too long, our great empire has been held back by the indecision and weakness of the Imperial Throne. They strove for peace with the fanatic Kainians, allowing them to grow in power. They allowed our diplomats to suffer under the hands of those barbarian Pagandans, and they hesitated to bring war to the Muans! Were it not for their rule, we may very well have conquered the entire Mu continent by now! The time has come for us to seize control, to guide our nation to the destiny it deserves!"

Murmurs of agreement rippled through the crowd as Marix continued, his voice steadily rising. "The Emperor's misguided policies have left our empire vulnerable. Our enemies in the EDI grow stronger and bolder with each passing day, empowered by their American benefactors, while we sit idle, our hands tied by the arbitrary rules of war. Who are they to impose such weakness upon us?! What sort of cowardly Emperor bows down to these Americans, who are tens of thousands of miles away from us?!"

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