Chapter 44: Mirishial Diplomacy

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Ragna, Gra Valkas Empire
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Office

Illuminated by rows of incandescent light fixtures, several people crowded around an electrical recorder. All had intrigue and confusion plastered across their faces, except for an unkempt-looking man with lengthy black hair and a rough beard. He leaned against the wall, seeming uninterested in the stunning discovery that his workmates were excited about.

"Dallas," an exhausted, patronizing voice came from a young blonde woman, her glasses softening her strict expression. "You ought to take your job seriously... There are still many unknowns in this world and we need to treat each new discovery with respect."

Dallas straightened up from his position on the wall, only out of respect for the woman's rank. "Madam Oudwin, with all due respect, every single obstacle we've encountered in this new world... we have easily trampled. I've seen pictures from the ruins of Leiforia. You have too."

"Yes..." She gave an exasperated sigh, tired of Dallas' attitude. "I have. However, we must also consider the possibility that these newcomers come from outside the Central World. All of the natives so far know nothing about what lies across the vast oceans. What if these people are just as advanced as us, or perhaps even more advanced?"

"Then they would have conquered these continents already," Dallas spoke matter-of-factly. Neglecting to tread with caution, he drew the ire of his superior.

"This is the second civilization with radio that we've discovered, and they reside on the other side of the Central World! Do you know what this implies?"

"What?" Dallas asked, not following where she was going with this.

"This implies that they developed their technology authentically, without the help of others! We can thus conclude that they are intelligent and capable of adapting. Furthermore, if we are to believe the rumors that they are also a transferred nation, just like us, then we have even more reason to remain cautious!" She was about to continue berating Dallas, but a large man wearing a dark trench coat walked in. "Mister Gesta," she turned around to curtsy.

"Sir," Dallas said, bowing slightly.

"Cielia, Dallas," Gesta acknowledged them. "Any updates on these Americans?"

"Not yet," Cielia replied. "We're still sorting through the data given to us by the Information Bureau. So far, all we know about the Americans are the rumors from Mu and the televised newscast from the Holy Mirishial Empire. I suggest we move carefully until we know more."

Gesta nodded at her advice, thinking about his reply before responding, "Hmm, well then notify me if there are any changes. If the Americans are proven to have a level of technology similar to, or higher than ours, then we must readjust our plans for conquest."

Cielia tilted her head in slight disagreement. Voicing her concern, she pointed out, "What if they don't approve of your hegemonic ways? We could get locked into a Cold War like with the Kingdom of Kane... or worse."

Gesta waved off the concern. "If this becomes an issue in the future, then it is up to the Emperor to decide. For now, we simply play as the messengers of the Gra Valkas Empire. Don't diverge from our standard protocol. You're in this position for a reason, Cielia. Not many women achieve such high ranks, much less those without connections. Don't let me down." He walked out of the room in silence after Cielia nodded.

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